"It's that annoying bitch, imma go take care of her ass," Draco said, grabbing the Glock 19 and cocking it as he ran to the stairs.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Eric screamed, turning his head to look back towards the stairs as Draco stood at the bottom of the steps and aimed his gun.

"Y'all too late. Eric bout to get his shit splattered, and he would love to see y'all both." Draco smirked.

"Fuck no!" Moesha ran down the steps and tackled Draco as the gun went off, the bullet hitting a beam. Sabrina ran down after her and past the two wrestling on the floor, heading towards Eric and trying to start untying the ropes.

"Little lady, I wouldn't do that if I were you. Boss wouldn't like it if you were trying to mess up his plans." Freight Train said, knife in hand as he inched closer to them. "But I'm sure he wouldn't mind if he let me axe you and your little friend off too."

"Fuck what the "Boss" wants, I just want my brother alive!" Sabrina said as she kept at it until the ropes were freed from Eric. "Let's get you out of here."

"Get back here!" Freight Train shouted as they ran away, and he started to chase after him. Draco's gun kept going off, but none of the bullets hit anything.

"Get the fuck off of me, lil girl!" he shouted as he elbowed Moesha in the stomach, temporarily disabling her from making any more moves, and he got up quickly, aiming the gun right at her forehead. "Now you're fucked."

Eric let out a yell and ninja-kicked Draco in the face, as Sabrina got to Moesha and helped her up. All three of them booked it to the stairs as Draco fell unconscious. Freight Train wasn't too far behind.

"Y'all get out of here, I'll take care of Freight Train," Eric said, grabbing the Glock from the floor next to Draco and aiming. Sabrina and Moesha went up the stairs as shots rang out. A scream followed, followed by a loud thud as they made it to the top. Eric quickly ran up the stairs while still holding the gun, and they headed for the front door, only to be greeted by Michael pointing a machine gun at them. They all put their hands up and backed up.

"I can't believe y'all thought you were all gonna get away." Michael chuckled. "You all disgust me."

"Wow, that is fucking pitiful." Sabrina laughed in response. "Here I was thinking me, and you had some sort of a connection that night. You're weak as fuck hiding behind that gun."

"Oh don't try to spin shit on me. You were the one that came onto me!" Michael shot back, his hands gripping the gun.

"Well, the last time I checked, you were the one who had your hands all over me!" Sabrina spat as she walked closer and grabbed the barrel of the gun, putting it against the center of her chest. "Why don't you just shoot me? Or are you too much of a bitch boy to prove yourself? Hm?"

"Girl, chill out, you ain't gotta do all that!" Moesha said.

"Shoot me, nigga! Shoot me!" Sabrina shouted, digging the barrel against her skin. "You fucking won't!"

Michael's finger shook as he was conflicted. He wasn't against shooting anybody, but he wasn't expecting it to be this girl. Now here she was, taunting him and he didn't know what to think. He let out a sigh and put the gun down. "Just go. You care about your brother and your friend, and I ain't even mad about that. But, Eric," he said, pointing his finger at him. "I have my eye on you. This is not over. Y'all get out of here before I change my mind."

Moesha grabbed Eric's and Sabrina's hands, and they all went out of the house. "I was so worried about you!" she cried as she hugged him tightly.

Michael watched from a window as he saw them get into Sabrina's car and drive off down the road. He walked slowly through the house, looking towards the basement. From the top of the stairs, he could see Draco struggling to get up, while Freight Train lay there motionless. He sighed and walked back towards upstairs, walking to his room and shutting the door.

Later that night, Sabrina was lying on her bed, scrolling through Instagram when a knock came on her bedroom door. Eric opened the door and stood at the doorway.

"Hey, thanks again for saving me, I owe you one," he said.

Sabrina sat up and smiled. "Of course, cuz you're my brother. You'd do the same for me," she said.

"Yeah, I guess I would." he nodded. "Well, goodnight."

"Goodnight," she replied as he closed the door.

She went back to her phone and her mind went to Michael. She went to her messages and texted him.

"What you did today was unacceptable. I meant what I said when you were weak as fuck. You had your hands all over me, and you know it. You hurt my brother. You hurt my best friend, and most importantly, you hurt me the most. Please delete this number and don't ever speak to me again. Thank you."

As soon as she hit the send button, it seemed like a weight was lifted off her shoulders. She turned off her lights and got under the blankets. She closed her eyes and soon drifted off to sleep, having pleasant dreams without Michael in her mind.


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