Halloween OVA

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(2 things, one, this was planned before Carmine joined Y/N's peerage and two, these events are non-cannon to the main story)

Y/N: He was running from the Raynares through the corridor, carrying an injured Rias "Okay seriously, WHERE ARE THESE THINGS COMING FROM-" He then saw it. "What...the....fu-wait, we're a few pages ahead! GO BACK!"

4th Wall Break Counter: 37

-A few hours earlier-

Y/N: He and Rias were putting the finishing touches on their costumes, Y/N was dressed up as SMG4 and Rias was dressed up as Makima. "Well, How do I look?"

Rias: "You look cool! It's a shame you couldn't wear that sexy devil costume..."

Y/N: "You only gave me a pair of briefs and horns, no way was I gonna do that, but you on the other hand, look." Mask Impression. "Ssssmokin'!"

Ravel: She then knocked on the door rapidly. "I CAN'T FIND RISER!!"

Y/N: He opens the door, he then sees Ravel in tears, she was also dressed up as Princess Peach. "Calm down, now start over, where did you see Riser last?"

Ravel: "Since 5 hours ago, he went into his room and when I entered, he was gone, there was no trace of his magic circle."

Rias: "Was there anything out of place there?"

Ravel: "Yes..." She pulls out a letter with Y/N and Rias' names on it.

Y/N: "What's this?" He opens it up and what they saw would make them shit bricks. "No...no...how...why..." it was a picture of Riser being kidnapped by what seemed to be...Raynare....which is impossible considering she's dead....BY Y/N'S HAND NON THE LESS!

Rias: "How is that possible?! Didn't you kill Raynare?!"

Y/N: "I swear if we find her and she says 'My death was greatly exaugurated.' I'm going to rain lightning on her and the church!" He then turned the photo around, it showed an address, 426-Spookify Lane. "Call everyone else, were going on a Raynare hunt."

Ravel: "We're still going to save Riser, right?"

Rias and Y/N: They looked at each other and had a thought. "Sure" Rias then got to work calling hers and Y/N's peerage, Y/N then got to work preparing the few things needed for the Raynare hunt.

-Timeskip Brought To You By Chibi Koneko Eating Candy Like Kirby-

Everyone then met up at 426-Spookify Lane and there was a huge-ass mansion, looming in front of them.

Koneko: Dressed up as Kirby, holding a her beeg treat bag. "So he's in there?"

Ravel: "Y-yeah..."

Issei: Dressed up as Deadpool, he was mad. "First she killed me, then she killed Asia, now she ruins Halloween for us?!"

Uzi: Dressed as Katsuki Bakugo "For once, I agree with you perv! This bitch needs to die! Again!"

Rias: She was trying to map the mansion using magic, but other magic was blocking her. "It's no use, I can't map it out."

Akeno: Dressed up as Mirajane Strauss. "Well, there's only one thing to do." They were discussing a plan to go in steathly-

Y/N: "Okay, let's do this, LEROOOOOOOOOY, JENKINS!!!!" He then charged into the mansion and enters it's dark halls, a little infuriated, Rias follows him in quickly.

Kaba: Dressed up as Link: "Oh my Satan, they just ran in."

Asia: Dressed up as Neo Politan "Do we..follow them?"

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