S1 Ep3: Meeting The ORC, Finding Out What I Am

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Y/N: He woke up immediately as he looked around, the last thing he remembered was passing out right in front of Rias, in the park....Issei dying "Issei!"

Issei: From his room "Whaaaaat?!"

Y/N: "!?.....Nothing, sorry!" 'That's odd.....' the two got dressed and headed out for school, on the way, they talked "Issei, you remember last night, right?"

Issei: "You remember it too? So it wasn't a dream..."

Y/N: "Yeah......I saw you die and it...broke me.."

Issei: "Sorry...for everything, I should've listened to you bro"

Y/N: "At least you're alive, that's all that matters"

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/N begging Chibi Issei to see the new Marvel/DC movie with him-

The brothers were talking to Matsuda and Motohama about Yuma

Motohama: "Nope, never happened"

Issei: "But I'm telling the truth!"

Matsuda: "I'm pretty sure we'd be able to remember you with a girl"

Y/N: "But he did! I remember it, you of all people should believe him!"

Matsuda: "Sorry Blue and Gold Star, we have no recollection of your brother introducing us to a girl or getting a girlfriend"

Issei: "Okay, I'll just show you!" He got his phone out and looked through his contacts, but to his and Y/N's surprise, Yuma was not in his contacts list, nor any photos of her "What?!" Suddenly the brothers feel the same feeling down from before as the look behind them as it was Rias again, she was walking downstairs, once she reached their level, she gave them quick glances as she walked off, Y/N was once again blushing

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/N blushing like mad and overreacting to the fact that Chibi Rias looked at him-

Y/N: "Can't believe they tricked me into going to watch some 18+ show, dickheads..." Yep, they tricked him as the perverted trio were at Motohama's place but their stay was cut short as Issei left early which surprised Y/N, on their way back, they came by the same place where Raynare murdered Issei "let's get home quick...this place gives bad memories.."

Issei: "Agreed..." before they could even move, the felt a dark presence again, they look up and see black feathers "Wait..Yuma?!"

???: "So...Raynare failed to kill you two..." They look behind them and see a man in a trench coat and hat....TMNT much?

Y/N: "Raynare...so that's her real name, and you are?"

???: "She told me to be careful of you" Points at Y/N "But you're nothing special" Points at Issei "I'll put you under either way, any last words?"

Y/N: "Just two! THUNDERPUNCH!!" He built up electricity around himself

???: "Thunder what-" Before he could finish, he was punched by an Electrified fist by Y/N

Y/N: "Issei, run now! Don't stop for nothing this time!" Issei hesitates at first but starts running, the man was about to get up but Y/N threw a small bolt of lightning at him "STAY DOWN AND AWAY FROM HIM!! I ALREADY LOST HIM ONCE, I WON'T LOSE HIM AGAIN!!"

???: "Damn brat...now I see why Raynare warned us...."

Y/N: "Underestimating me is a fatal mistake!"

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