Chapter 6

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Warning: There be will freaky and dirty moments here and there throughout the entire tale. Be warned.

After dessert, everyone sat around the dinner table before Sookie exhaled a breath. "I want to say I'm sorry for hurting you, Alcide." She said looking in his direction. "And I want to wish you both a lifetime of happiness and love." Sookie told the couple before smiling and raising her glass. Jesus and Lafayette raised their glasses also. "I wish you and Bill lots of happiness too, Sookie." Alcide said, honestly. "We both do, Sook." Tara said, smiling as she reached over with her free hand to give her friend's hand a gentle squeeze. "I agree with Sookie." Lafayette stated. "Bitch, you know I say this with lots of love. I'm glad you finally have a happy life. And I wish you well." He said with a joyful voice. 

"I agree with Sookie and Laffy." Jesus chimed in with a smile. "Thank you, guys. I am finally happy. I can't wait until I graduate and become Mrs. Alcide Herveaux." Tara told them. Alcide raised his left hand up to caress her cheek and looked lovingly at her. "I can't wait either." He said aloud. They all clinked their glasses together before they talked about the upcoming festivities for Tara and Alcide.

Cooter awaited the news of what was happening with Debbie. Once the wet nurses walked out, they gave big smiles. Debbie had their pups. Two boys. He smiled and puffed up his chest. Two sons to carry on his name and take over the pack when they were older. He walked around his penthouse as he exhaled a breath. Those in his pack who would mate and reproduce were finished giving birth. Debbie was the last due. Cooter could begin his plan to have the male wolves find healthy human females to impregnate. Starting with the mysterious woman Alcide was with. 

He knew he had to work fast to snatch her. But in case Alcide succeeded in mating with her, Cooter would make sure she was still taken as he began plan b. Those future pups of Alcide Herveaux were more valuable than twenty half breed human-wolf hybrids.

Two days later

"Tara Thornton!" The speaker called out. Tara stood up in her graduation cap and gown before walking from her seat and down the aisle to head up to stage. She made her way to the speaker to accept her degree and shake his hand. She turned to see Lafayette, Sookie, Jesus, and Alcide all cheering for her. She smiled and waved at them with her free hand before she made her way back down.

Later, the intimate group of friends were at the courthouse as Lafayette spoke up. "Okay, Hookah, most people celebrate graduating with a party or going out to eat. Not a marriage." He said joked. Tara felt Alcide slip an arm around her waist as she proudly wore a teal and purple goddess dress, she had worn under her graduation gown. "Well, Bitch, you know I ain't most people." She said before laughing. "Besides, you all have to go back home tomorrow morning. We wanted to do it while you're here." She explained, full of joy.

"It's fine." Lafayette said, feeling proud of his cousin. "Okay, brand-new cousin-in-law. You treat our girl like platinum. Ya here me?" He told Alcide. "Everyday." Alcide answered, looking from Lafayette down at Tara with love in his eyes. Lafayette looked surprised as he let his hand lightly touch his chest. " Wow, the fact that you understood says a lot. We are major cool even more." He told Alcide. Tara looked at them before she softly spoke. "When you and Jesus get married, we want invites." She told her cousin and his boyfriend. "And you and Bill, Sookie." She told the blonde. "We want to be a part of your happiness like you are for ours."

Jesus and Lafayette blushed as they looked at each other before they held hands while proudly holding their parts of Tara's former bouquet. Sookie smiled as she nodded while lovingly holding her part of the bouquet. "Will do. I gotta have my best friend there." She spoke, honestly. "Well now we got that over with." Alcide stated, exhaling a deep breath. "Let's go out and eat."

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