On the other hand, my heart nearly broke as soon as I heard these terrible thoughts about himself. And even more the flinching when Ric raised his hand just to make him look in his eyes. It was a horrible sight watching your youngest cousin who is like a brother to all of us, thinking he would get beat. I don't even want to image why he showed such a reaction. I just can't.

The room is deadly silent, you could hear a pinch falling to the ground which is very rare in a household full with boys and one girl.

Everybody is looking at the boy sitting on the very end of the couch, who seems to be ready to flee out of the situation each second if necessary.

I look at Sandro, silently informing that there is no need in lecturing now and I'll try my luck - his panicking state is killing me in the inside. So I lean slightly forward from my place on the opposite couch place my hand on one of his thighs and begin to speak slowly and steady while ignoring the flinching.
„Lio hun, you hear-"

All of sudden, a loud shriek comes from the direction of the kitchen, interrupting me and making our heads snap in the direction. A girl's one. Painful and fearful.

The only girl here is Lia.

Our Lia.

Third person

Eyes wide with terror and alarmed, they reach for their hidden guns. Neliono jumps up, ready to run to the kitchen but Aljio is surprisingly faster und grabs him harshly by his jacket. One little kid in danger is enough, they can't stand worrying about both. This action is just the straw that breaks the camel's back. Being touched is bad enough but being held back from his triplet sister, brings back memories, which he somehow can't forget.

So was also his reaction.
He doesn't hesitate even one second before spinning around, swinging his leg over Aljio's neck and letting him do a salto forward and landing with a loud bang in the floor. Quit and fast actions have always been way more effective in such situations than trying to start a conversation.

One thing the past taught him very well.

Unfortunately for Neliono, Massimo has quite good reactions too and held him securely by his chest, having in mind to watch his every little move since their lil brother is capable of defending himself quite well surprisingly for all of them.

"LET GO OF ME! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Neliono screams out of his lungs and making no intention to calm down any time soon.

It took a while to let every present person to snap out of their shock.

Alessandro was the first one. As a mafia don, he has to keep his act together even if it's such an exceptional situation like the sudden outburst from Neliono or the danger of one of their most previous family members. Only the thought of her being around the slightest danger let his body boil with murder attemptions but he keeps calm and mutters to Ernesto.
"Are you okay?" He asks Aljio who brought himself somehow up to the next couch, clutching is stomach like he was in pain. Nevertheless, he mutters a quick "Sure". Even if it hurts like hell, he knows that his action was unfair and disrespectful, and Neliono had every right to react this way. Also, at the moment, there are other, more important things than his bruise.

"P-PLEASE! P-please I-I h-have to go-o!"

Alessandro nods at Aljio before glancing at the wiggling boy in Massimo's arms. He feels sorry for him but knows that it's for his own safety to let them walking in firstly.

Finally he directs his head towards Ernesto. "Take the east door."

He doesn't need to give more explanation, even a nod in this direction would have been enough for Ernesto to understand what Alessandro planned. Surround the intruders. A simple task wouldn't there've been their two little siblings involved.

Alessandro makes his way over to the kitchen, armed and ready to fight. "Riccardo! What is going on-"

But he is interrupt by the sight, playing in front of them. It's everything but what they've expected.

There are in fact no intruders- not even a single one or any other kind of danger.

The only sight is a trembling little girl, sitting on the wall with Riccardo in front of her.
Her legs, tightly brought up to the chest.
Her head, formerly held in both hands.
Her body, rapidly swinging back and forth.


This little girl is Neliana.

Their Lia.

And when their hearts weren't shattered before, they surely are now.

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No big words, only thank you all for staying 🤍

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