Chapter 9

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Those eyes.

It's the most beautiful and special thing I've ever seen.

Yes, of course I've already known their eyes. But as baby eyes and after so many years with only photos or videos from them, it's something special to see them in 'real' again. They didn't change so much from their looks. They're still copies from each other. The only thing making a difference between them, is the high and stature. It's almost worrying ... 

I'm a doctor so I know how big kids in their age must be. And particularly Neliana is too short for her age. She is also shorter than Neliono. Almost one head. Maybe she is just a slow grower but my feelings tell me there's another reason. I don't know now yet, but I will. And from now I take care of her weight.

Nevertheless she doesn't seem like a scared little cat, quite the opposite. Her aura is twice as big. For example the situation with Damon who, of course, had to comment something on them because otherwise he would show any emotions. So pathetic.

Leo was in the process to correct him, but suddenly Lia and Lio began to talk back and defend themselves. They weren't that quiet and reserved all of sudden anymore, and nobody from us dared to interrupt them while they slowly walked towards Damon. 

You could see on Damon's face that he didn't feel good but do not dare to say something too. It was the first time since I knew him that somebody makes him speechless. And it was his little siblings. You could see they know exactly what they're doing. How they know that Damon has a boyfriend. Yes, a boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against it, but Damon was the last one I expected.  I really don't know if I'm honest. But it explained his different behavior from the past weeks or how now, we know month. Anyways we'll find out soon. At latest when Sandro comes home.

Speaking from him. Honestly, I'm a bit afraid of the meeting with him and the twins . I mean yes in the past, especially he was Neliana's favorite. But he changed. We changed. They changed. We have many, big secrets. And Sandro is at the moment not good to speak because of someone who thought it would be funny to shut down the whole system, to control EVERYTHING, to make every display flash in short gaps and because that wasn't enough already, the one starts the song 'A Ram Sam Sam' LOUDLY..

It came from everywhere since we own a lot of buildings. I think you could hear it 15km away too. I have still a head hedge from it. But Sandro got the worst. As the CEO you're the contact person for problems - and it was a big problem. So, everybody called him. 

I look not really forward to the dinner today.

And even Xavier couldn't kick him out and he is the best hacker in our mafia. The one was good - perfect - and didn't stoke leaven. Our men still try to find the responsible, but I don't see hopes . The one knows exactly what he's doing so if he doesn't want to be find, we won't find him. Unfortunately. I would be glad to teach them a lesson even it was more like a 'party' then an attack ...

Yes, only because I'm a doctor doesn't mean I cannot and will not hurt other people who deserve it.

"Hva har alle med å stirre ... det er ikke sånn at vu er kaker. Mm unntatt at vi ville vært ostekake da ville jeg stirret også. Men det er vi ikke! ... Irriterende maur." (What does everybody have with staring ... it's not like we are cakes. Mm ecept we'd be cheesecake then I would stare too. But we aren't! Annoying ants.) With that we all come out of the froze. I'm confused? What language was this? It sounds like a Nordic one, but why they can speak such a language? Speaking of languages. Can they Italian? We taught them a bit but not the whole because of the ... you know.

I see Nelio try to not show something to the outside but inside he is likely laughing. He seems like the 'warmer' one - warm is quite an overstatement. He is still cold like ice but not that much as Nelia. What happened to them? I have so many questions and the only ones with answers are they.

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