Chapter 45

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The menu card is in Italian.

Not that it's a problem for me or Nic since we are fluently in it but our dearest family thinks other way which is good by the way. So we have to pretend that we don't understand the menu.


I let my gaze fall on Nic' ones to ask him silently whether he will think up for a foreplay or I have to do it by myself. Hopefully he will do- oh damn it. He shakes his head instantly and nods towards me.

Argh, why always me?! Life has to hate me really much to give me this fate. Never mind. We don't have another possibility than doing this or they will notice our lying, which would have exhausted consequences.

I take the card in my hand again and lean myself towards Nic who is now also watching in my card. "Okay, we can do this. It actually isn't that hard, right? Most of the things, we already know. Like Bolognese."

"Or lasagne." - Nic adds nodding his head.

"Gonna go with pizza or pasta?"

"Mh." - He seems unconvinced. I decide to help him out a bit, because hell I'm just so friendly.

"At the moment, do you feel more like a flounder or an eel?"

According to his face, he didn't understand my question, instead he has to prevent his laughing. Where is his IQ if you need it? I wave my hand to signal him to answer my goddamn question still today. And he does luckily. "Ehh ... eel, maybe."

"It's pasta then." - I state unbothered and ignore his now really disappointed look while switching to the pasta menus. "Gonna go with pasta too."

"You're a real strange person, ya know?"

I turn myself to face him and say boring. "We're twins"

"That doesn't mean that we have the same personality."

okay, maybe my way about deciding whether to go with pizza or pasta isn't the best, b-but it works quite well. I have to control myself hard to not smirk at the moment.

This dude. I swear, sometimes I doubt my relationship with him. He's always so- so open up. Like saying the strangest things out loud. "Maybe instead of judging my fabulous character, you could think about what you want to eat."

"But that's Italian." - He discovers and holy fuck, I just let this fact slide while digressing to one of my comparisons again. Luckily Nic got me with his side reminder.

"Oh, I kinda forget that fact."

Suddenly a voice can be heard from beside me. Angolo. He's leaning over to me, likely believing our act, and whispers. "You two need help?"

We nod innocent and for the first time, I take his stature in. He's alike to our brothers wide built but has definitely a softer expression. Just like Riccardo. In total, they both are really equal. Both more soft and caring. He owns casinos and such stuff while Riccardo is part of the legal business. But both are the right hand man or underboss.

A very ungrateful position, if you ask me. I mean, it sounds a bit like the third wheel, doesn't it? Or slave. Okay, that sounds even more pathetic, but it's kind of the truth, right? Probably you can also compare the feeling with getting the second place in a competition. Like you weren't enough. In this case, you are just unlucky that you were born as the second one.

You've drifted off again, dumbass.

No need to insult me instantly.

And I'm speaking again with myself. Great. Back to the topic before it gets even more embarrassing.

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