Chapter 31

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"My kids!" 

"Far!" (Father) - Li turns like me around in surprise and shouting Lys' name. 

"Pappa!"(Dad) - I notice Oskari behind Lys. We both run in their arms. That's exactly what I need at the moment. Comfort. 

The past hours were ... special. First the breakfast, then the revelation and now the new full planned days. And, because it's our life, our whole fucking family is coming on Saturday. Yep, THAT Saturday. The one we have our first competition of the year and also an important one. And now we must find, unfortunately, a way to connected those two things. 

I would prefer to just don't come to the family - meeting but that's, unfortunately, no option. Lys and Oskari practically force us to take part at it. I really don't get why it is so important. I mean, we don't need them. Not a bit. We have Lys and Oskari, each other. There's no need and space for our so called family which is to top it again, the Italian mafia but to unable to find their own younger siblings. Pff. They just didn't want to find us or their mafia is worse than the French one and let me say: They are really bad. Or were. Since their house caught two days ago by mistake fire with everybody in it. 

Sorry but not sorry. They all were such psychopaths with a sick mind. They didn't deserve another treatment. 

Back to the topic: Today is Friday. So our agreed trainings - day. The silent sneaking out wasn't difficult - like expected. Their 'safety' system seemed to be from the Middle Ages. It took us only 5 minutes to shut it down. Of course we let them know where we are. Not like we would care if they are worried, but the following days would be horror if not and we don't trouble. We already have enough from it. 

Welcome to our life. 

We came here around 5:00 o'clock. Neliana doesn't feel good. Maybe she acted yesterday different but all the flashbacks and memorizes came back. Not only about Lione but also about Oceana and Oceono. She sat until now in front of their grave and just cried. Their grave and Lione' grave is behind our house in Hamnøy. The landscape there and the whole atmosphere is perfect. So it wasn't difficult to decide where we want them to bury. Also the twins loved the beach and sea. I taught them surfing at our beach too and we spend nearly each day on the beach or in the water. It was the best nine months in my life. We were for the first time in years just happy again. But like always: The calm before the storm.

My life is hard, but hers is worse. She experienced everyday the worst side of the Russian, the dead of Lione, the rape and when we thought it cannot get worse, the dead of Oceana and Oceono. It's a lot for only fourteen years of life - but that's our life. Cruel, unfair and sick. 

Sport and her other passions are the only things which can pull her out of her own head and distract her for a few minutes. So I hope the todays trainings - day and the competition tomorrow will help her feel better and have a few good things while living with our fucked up family. 

She and Lys have a very special bond. If you see them for the first time, you may think they are the biggest enemies in the world. They argument nearly the whole time. But in reality I think they are just very equal. Stubborn, strong and clever. And if Li need another support than me, she would go to Lys. I mean they are also both doctors and work sometimes together. How that works? I really don't understand, but if you always look at the results from it, apparently quite well. 

At the moment she's still in the arms of Lys. I exchange a look with him and Oskari. They furrow their eyebrows. I sign with my hands. "She sat for the last one and a half hours in front of the twins and Lione' grave ... I think the past things preoccupies her more than she cares to admit."

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