"Names?" The guy at the front of the club door ask. "We're registered under Park, we're his guest". Jess answered as the guy flip through the book looking for our names.

"What are you doing here?". A familiar voice whispered in my ear.

Turning to face the guy I said "non of your business".

"Well see it is my business because this is my club".

Listen jerk I didn't even want to come here.

" then leave". He said before I could finish with my sentence he left walking inside the club.

"I really can't deal with this tonight". I say to myself after entering the club already regretting my decision to come here.

Author Pov .

I'll take a water I really don't want to get drunk considering I have work tomorrow plus I don't want to wake up with a bad hangover" Shanta asks scrunching her nose by the thought of having an hangover. "Oh come on cousin , you haven't been out for a while, take a shot"  Hanna says offering her cousin a shot already downing hers and Jess agrees after clinging the shot glass with Hanna. " it's your birthday come on have fun plus you don't have work tomorrow remember?" Jess said as she downed another shot already dancing to the loud music. Shanta looks at the small glass with alcohol doubtfully knowing very well shes gonna get drunk right away. She sighs hopelessly "here goes nothing". downing it in one go already preparing herself for a long night ahead.

One shot becomes two and two becomes three and three's becoming four and Shanta's  already drenched  with sweat from dancing and man did she have the whole club staring at her with lust.

But Shanta was unfazed already lost in the music as she's swaying her hips sexually from left to right feeling the beat from the music.

Hanna & Jess too was lost... Hanna lost on the lap of a man with jet black hair and pale skin straddling her hips and slowly just slowly grinding down on his crouch. Jess doing the same with the guy across from them.

But Shanta's  'dancing' didn't go unnoticed. not by a certain global Ambassador himself and the bulge that's threatening to show since he's been staring at her from the moment she stepped on the dance floor.

Since he was leaning against the railing in the V.I.P section and the angle giving him a perfect view of her. "What is this I'm feeling?". He said looking at his enemy. even though he doesn't hate her, she just thinks that he does and he didn't bother to correct her assumptions considering the position he's in. Trying to escape his growing feelings for the girl he chugged down a glass of whiskey letting the burning taste calm his thoughts. "I can't fall for her, my company won't allow it , I signed a contract that stated I'm not allowed to date, that's why I've been keeping my distance from her, but boy oh boy she makes it hard to do so".

Lost in his thoughts He then saw shanta move to the bar (again) he decided to make his move, after all.   the alcohol only gave him more confidence. walking with charisma approaching the girl that hates him.

"Didn't I told you to leave ?" he said looking at her who just gulped the whole drink in one go.

Shanta then turned her head to the boy looking at him from head to toe. " didn't I told you to fuck off ?".

And before Jeon could say anything shanta grabbed him  by the arm and pulled him to the dance floor. Shanta had her back against Jeon's chest, she closed her eyes and started moving to the music and letting the beat take her away along with the man behind her.

She then ran her left hand up and down Jeon's thigh while the other pulling his neck so that his groin was touching her ass as she was grinding back against him.

"You have no idea what you're doing to me". Jeon whispered Into her ears still dancing with the girl as his hips moving to the beat of the song.  totally lost at her presence, he smiled at the girl that hates  him being thankful that she chose him to dance with because the thought of her doing all this with another man causes his chest to feel a bit tight.

Shanta then turned facing the boy she hates still moving her hips. "I hate you you know that right ?" She asked the boy whose losing himself by the way she looks tonight, can't deny how beautiful she was looking now and every other time he saw her.

"And why is that?" He ask.

Because your a jerk and I hate jerks.

"why are you dancing with me then?".  The question Jeon ask made Shanta stop in her tracks looking confuse. and finally she said "I don't know". And with that she walked away leaving a confuse  Jeon on the dance floor looking at the half drunken girl as she walks to the emergency exit that leads out back.



Taking another shot of whisky for motivation the boy decides to go after her not caring about his contract. As he cuts through the crowd of people dancing he finally reaches the emergency exit sign pulling the door open looking for a certain someone.

He spotted the person he was looking for.

what happened next drove a certain someone in jail and another in the hospital.


                ✿ 𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 ✿

            Preview of next chapter

"Help!!!!!! No no no please don't do this. Get off of me".

"Shut up bitch it's no use yelling. Crying only turns me on more baby".

"Have you seen Shanta and Jeon?".

"Shanta are you out here?".

"Omg Jeon what are you doing".

"Hanna quick call and ambulance".

"Get off of her".


"Yes. That's the guy officer he's the reason why my cousin is lying in that hospital bed".

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