32. Beyond the Mat

Start from the beginning

"Right. Came across an obituary last night. Larry 'The Hangman' Lee died."

"Oh no. Wasn't he, uh..."

"He was Dad's favorite. Anytime that noose would come out, Dad would be on his feet. It was one of the few times I ever saw him actually happy."

"Yeah. I remember that."

"Anyway, the, uh, funeral's less than a day's drive. I say we go pay our respects."

"Uh... don't you think our plates are a little full? I mean it's bad out there, Dean."

"Yeah, Sam. You think I don't know that? We've done nothing but mainline lore for a week, okay? We've got jack on another hand of God and Amara, and we've got even less jack on how to save Cas."

"If she wants to be saved."

"She does... even if she doesn't know it yet."


"I'm burnt, man. Okay? And I need... WE need to get out of here. Let's go stretch our legs."

Sam looked wearily at Dean.


Lucifer was looking at a clipboard and directing the demons. "Oh, good. Yes. Remember, A-B-C. 'Always be closing.' The sooner you little storm clouds find me another Hand of God, the happier I will be."

Lucifer looked at the demon, Simmons, standing alongside her. "You want me to be happy, don't you, Dollface?"

"Of course, my Lady," Simmons replied.

"Good answer. All right. You're gonna look high, look low, far and wide. Search every warehouse, every farmhouse, every henhouse, outhouse, and doghouse."

Lucifer looked at Crowley, who was kneeling on the ground and scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush. "What about you, little puppy? You have something to add?"

Crowley, looking anxious, answered, "Nothing, master."

Lucifer grabbed Crowley by the hair, lifting his head up. "Really?"

Crowley gasped. "I would tell you. I swear."

"I believe you." She smirked and proceeded to pat Crowley on the head.

"May I return to my task?"

"Oh, of course."

Crowley continued to scrub the floor, but Lucifer stopped him by stepping on the toothbrush before saying, "Ah, ah. Just one minor tweak."

Lucifer crouched down to Crowley's level and took the toothbrush. She touched Crowley on the lips, smiling. "Use your tongue."

Crowley had a barbed collar around his neck and he looked unhappy. But, slowly, he did as he was told, licking the floor with his tongue. The other demons gathered around to watch. They smirked and reveled in his torture.


Sam and Dean enter a room full of mourners for the funeral of The Hangman.

"Dude, check it out," Dean said. "It's 'The Scream' Casey Lyons."

"Oh, yeah," Sam stated.

"There's Wrecking Ball Calhoon. Wow. The Brooklyn Beast?"

"What happened to 'em? They're all... broken."

"Dude. Dude! Gunnar freakin' Lawless."

"Hmm. Groupie much?"

"Shut up. Should I go say hi? I should go say hi. I'm gonna go say hi." Dean walked over to Gunnar Lawless, who was standing with the other wrestlers. "Hi, s-sir. I, uh, saw you... saw you standing over here and told my brother that I... I should could over and say hi... so I came over and, uh... Hi."

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