14. Soul Survivor

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In a hospital, a priest said a blessing. "Hunc sanguinem sacro, et donatibus sanguinem, debita demitto. Dolorem remitteat et voluntati de serviat." He put the crucifix to his lips, then nodded to Sam who was wearing a white coat, who nodded back. The priest walked out of the room. "Doctor."

"Father," Sam said.

Sam walked over and picked up a cooler and filled it with donated blood.


He drove from the hospital back to the bunker.


He went down to the dungeon where Dean was strapped to a chair in the middle of a Devil's Trap on the floor.

"Really?" Dean scoffed.

Sam shrugged. "For whatever it's worth, I got your blood type."

"Sam, I know you think you're gonna try and fix me, but... did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't want to be fixed? Just let me go live my life. I won't bother you. What do you care?"

"What do I care?"

Sam got the holy water and splashed it on the floor as he started chanting in Latin.

Dean looked at him as he said, "You think I'm just gonna sit here like Crowley? Getting all weepy while you shoot me up? Well, screw that. I don't want this!"

"Yeah, I figured that out pretty quick."

"You don't even know if this is gonna work, do you? You know, I got a hell of a lot more running through me than just demon juice."

"Mark of Cain, got it."

"That's right."

Sam had a syringe of blood in his hand as he walked closer to Dean. "Buckle up."

"Sammy... You know I hate shots."

"I do too, but we hate demons more."

Dean's eyes went black for a second before Sam hit him with holy water. Sam plunged the needle into Dean's arm and Dean groaned as the syringe contents were emptied into his arm.

"Look, I got a whole bunch more of these to go," Sam said. "You could make it a lot easier on yourself."

Dean's eyes widened as he grunted and groaned, the blood already affecting him.


Harvey watched as Castiel drove. They smiled at each other. Castiel was pale, and didn't look up to par.

"How are you holding up?" Harvey asked.

"Fine," Castiel answered.

"You say you're fine, but you don't... look fine."

"It's what the humans do," Castiel said. "They say they're fine. And even if I -- I don't look it, you say I look well, and that way, we avoid talking about something we can do nothing about."

"I'm sorry. I just can't see how Sam Winchester could ask you to drive all this way to help with his brother, knowing your condition." Castiel glanced at Harvey, then turned back to the road. "He doesn't know... about how badly your borrowed grace is fading, does he?"

"He knows some. And he didn't have to ask. Sam is alone in this. He's attempting to change from demon to human with a cure of sanctified blood, but... There's no guarantee that will work. If it doesn't, then Dean is gone and the demon must be dealt with."

"I just... I worry about you..."


Sam slid another needle into Dean's arm as Dean groaned in pain.

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