could you come to the dance building? im in room d-127

Yeah, I'll be there, give me a few minutes.

thx, ur the best :DDD

Turning her phone off, Songmin reviewed the map of the campus in her mind, which she'd forced herself to memorize at the start of the school year in case she'd need to go anywhere she didn't usually traverse to, like the dance building.

Past the Visual Arts building and the Literature and Philosophy building, near the end of the lawn. Yeah, that should be correct.

Taking a right at the end of the hallway, Songmin made her way down two flights of stairs and out of the STEM building into spring sun.

A cold breeze greeted her as she pulled the STEM building door shut. It pierced through her clothing while she walked down the big steps that ran along the front of the building, raising goosebumps on her skin and causing her to draw her thin coat tighter around her body. A few white, fluffy clouds floated in the sky, the sun shining down from between them, bright but not powerful enough to compete with the chill wind. 

The campus was neither busier nor less busy than usual. Groups of students walked around and hung out on the big grass lawn that was surrounded by many of the campus buildings, including the STEM building. The sound of dogs barking mixed with the chirping of the birds that lived in the lush green trees lining the wide path Songmin was walking down. The air was crisp and clean, filling Songmin's lungs and clearing her mind of any cluttering, unnecessary thoughts.

She enjoyed watching the people she passed. It blew her mind that every person she was a living, breathing human just like her, that each one of them lived their own lives and had problems that she would never have to worry about in her life as well as problems that she also struggled with.

She laughed quietly to herself, remembering how, when she was little, she had insisted to anyone who would listen that she was the only living human and that every other person was a robot. At a certain age, she just accepted that she was not in fact the only living, breathing human, though that never ceased to blow her mind.

Observing people as she walked, she made up little stories for each person she noticed to entertain herself while she walked.

Two students on bicycles rode past her on the bike path between the lawn and the pedestrian path, one speeding forward and the other struggling to keep up, laughing and gasping for the other cyclist to slow down. The faster one enjoys frequently riding in marathons, while the slower one rides simply to join in on the faster one's hobby.

A girl sat alone below a tree on the grass lawn, bundled up in a warm sweater and typing away on her computer. White headphones blocked out the noise of the world. She's working on a groundbreaking philosophical essay, one involving ideas that will shake the foundations of Korean society.

A couple lounged together on a picnic blanket, talking amongst each other in what looked to be a semi-serious conversation. A toddler wobbled happily to them, waving a big green leaf in his hand. The woman is taking a break from her chemistry PhD research to be with her husband and child. The child is a prodigious singer who will find success in a boy group but then discover that he has a deep passion for social service.

A group of what looked to be undergraduates exited the Literature and Philosophy building ahead of her, all of them surrounding one guy with a giddy smile on his face. They shoved and teased him, some patting him on the back and the shoulders, others rubbing his hair. Before she could make up a story for them, a voice from behind her interrupted her thoughts. "Songmin!"

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