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It's Monday, and most of class 1-A are in their classroom talking amongst themselves. They chatted about the missions they did, along with more mundane topics about personal matters. The only ones missing were Izuku, Katsuki, and Mina. Most of the girls didn't really care about the two boys, but they were hoping Mina didn't get here too late as their teacher didn't like tardiness. As they think this, the three in question all walk in the class laughing at something. Mina is wiping away tears as she tries and fails to contain her laughter. "He actually did that?" Katsuki grins as he walks in. "Yeah, and best believe the employer was absolutely pissed. That guy looked like he had steam coming out of his ears. God, that was my favorite mission by far." Izuku laughed as he walked in after them. The three looked to be the best of friends, making most of the girls in the class give Mina a confused stare. They were about to question her, but Ms. Aizawa walked into the room with a stack of papers. "Let's get class started, shall we." Everyone got settled into their seats and let's Ms. Aizawa continues.

"I got the results of everyone's mission reports. Not bad for most of you. There were blaring issues with most of you, however. Ms. Bakugou, you're far too aggressive with your clients. Watch your attitude, or you won't make it far in your hero career. Todoroki, you have the opposite problem. You're too monotone, making many people not feel comfortable around you. Show some emotion." The class all looked at their teachers' face, which was fairly similar to the peppermint haired girl. 'Your one to talk', everyone thought at the same time. "Your quirk is more flashy than mine, so staying out of the limelight isn't gonna work for you." She continues to tell everyone of their shortcomings before she gets to the main three.

"As for you, Ashido, Mr. Bakugou and Midoriya..." Everyone looked at the three expecting a thorough lashing. "You three did pretty good." Everyone was shocked by the response. The three in question smiled and gave each other a thumbs up with Ashido, giving them two peace signs with a wide smile. "Midoriya and Bakugou, you two have good teamwork with small assists from Ashido. Aside from small mistakes like less teamwork incorporating Ms. Ashido into the mix, you three did a fairly good job. Along with that, you also completed the most missions. That said, Ms. Ashido, when was the last time you checked your ID?"

Mina shrugged, not knowing the answer. She then pulls her ID from her book bag, and her eyes widen slightly. Her rank went up from a D rank to a C rank. She shows her ID to everyone, and most of the class congratulate her. "Well done, but you still have a ways to go in order to take more higher ranked jobs. Now, this will probably be the last time you take a mission for class. From now on, you will have to do missions on your own time or miss class. You have free reign to do so as you please. But the moment your grades get too low, your license will be confiscated, and you will be unable to do missions until your grades improve." She pauses to let the information sink into everyone's heads.

"Now, with that out of the way, your next task will impact the rest of your time in this school." Everyone tenses up expecting something major. "You will all be picking class representatives." The class cheers at the thought of being class representative. Ms. Aizawa activates her quirk, and everyone quiets down immediately. "Like I said, you will pick your class representatives. I don't care how you do it. Just get it done by the end of class, and do it quietly. I will be getting some beauty sleep." She slips into her sleeping bag, puts on her eye mask, that says "shut up," and goes to sleep.

The class all make their claims as to why they should be class rep. Kirishima said she would be an awesome rep. Katsura just threatens everyone to make her the class rep. Mineta said she would make the boys wear a more revealing uniform. That got her hanging upside down from some tape wrapped around her body and some on her mouth to keep her quiet. The class continued to plead their case when Iida shouted over everyone. "At this rate, we will not get this done in time! I say we put it to a vote." Kaminari didn't approve of the idea.

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