Opportunity of a Lifetime

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Not a single person said anything. No one could say anything. They just witnessed something thought to be impossible.

A man was just using a quirk.

They have no words to describe what just happened. Not only that, but he even beat the villain that the present heroines couldn't beat. Izuku could be seen just standing there huffing and puffing as he still isn't used to the power yet.

'Gonna have to work on that later. I can't get tired after just one attack.'

Izuku turns around to see the shocked faces of everyone around. He walks up to Katsuki and the purple haired girl and extends a hand to them. Katsuki accepts the hand without a second thought. The girl, however, was still in awe at what she saw.

"U-um, excuse me. Are you hurt? Can you walk. I don't know if you sprained your ankle when I pushed you or not."

She just looks at him for a second before accepting the offered hand. She stands up and pats herself down, trying to rid herself of any dirt or sludge that may have gotten on her.

"Yeah, I'm fine for the most part. But I gotta admit that was something else. How do you have a quirk?"

Izuku didn't know how to respond. He doubted anyone would believe him if he said some random lady stopped time and gave it to him. That would never hold up in an argument. He will just have to lie for now.

"U-um, I don't know. It just sort of came out. It was quite the shock to me as well."

The purple haired girl wasn't buying it. Before she could question it, she started coughing pretty badly. Izuku quickly went to pat her back to try and help her. Soon, two heroes came and escorted her away to the ambulance nearby. As soon as she was gone, he was able to feel the countless stares from everyone there. He could hear the whispering as if they were talking normally. He knew he had to get out of there. So with great speed, he grabbed most of his stuff, put it in his bag, and started running out of there. He passed Katsuki and told him to start running. He followed, and they were both running out of there with the crowd making a passage way so as not to get in their way.

In the crowd was All Might, who saw the whole thing. She was just as surprised as the others. A man with a quirk? This has never been seen before. He is basically an anomaly to the natural order of society. This brings up the question: If he could do this, why ask if he can be a hero?

Maybe it was for his friend next to him.

Maybe it was a hypothetical question

Either way, she knew she gave the right answer. He could be a great hero with that kind of strength. Along with that, the other boy still came in to help regardless of the danger and lack of a quirk. Inside her mind, she knew that those two would be the perfect choices to carry on her legacy.

As All Might is thinking this over, the two boys are being told off by the heroines who managed to block their path. The girl, however, was being praised for how brave she was for hanging in there for so long. However, she couldn't keep her eyes off of the two boys that actually saved her. The two that actually risked their lives to save her. But her attention was more specifically on the green haired boy.

He pushed her out of the way, putting himself in harms way. Then getting a quirk out of nowhere. It was simply impossible, yet it happened right in front of her. She still couldn't wrap her mind around the idea of a man having a quirk. She would definitely have to keep an eye out for him.

Meanwhile, the two boys were finally getting ready to leave after their verbal lashing when Mt. Lady called out to them.

"Hey boys, hold up a second."

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