CHAPTER 58 Twinkling Stars, Midnight Dates, and O.W.L. Dreams

Start from the beginning

Draco spoke up, his voice slightly strained but firm, "Watch it, Greengrass."

Astoria raised an eyebrow, her playful demeanor shifting to a more serious tone, and she nodded in acknowledgment. "Alright, alright, no harm done."

Emma gave Astoria a glare and retorted sharply, "Watch where you're aiming those things, or you might find something more than pebbles heading your way." Draco's stern warning and her sharp response highlighted the tension between the two.

Draco's gaze lingered on Astoria for a moment, making it clear that he meant business when it came to looking out for his friends. Emma appreciated his support, and she gave him a grateful smile.

As the lesson progressed, Professor Flitwick moved from pair to pair, offering encouragement and guidance. Emma and Draco worked together, honing their skills and occasionally engaging in good-natured banter.

After a successful summoning, Draco turned to Emma with a triumphant smile. "Not bad, Potter. I suppose I'll let you practice summoning my butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks."

Emma couldn't help but laugh at his teasing. "We'll see about that."

The fourth-year Charms class continued in high spirits, with students successfully summoning objects and improving their spellcasting abilities.

Then it was time for one of the students favorites', Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall stood at the front of the Transfiguration classroom, her stern expression accentuated by her square spectacles. She addressed her fourth-year students with the seriousness that came with the impending O.W.L. examinations.

"Students," she began, her voice firm, "As fourth-years, you're standing at the threshold of an important year. It's time to prepare for your O.W.L. examinations, which will be upon you before you know it."

Professor McGonagall took a moment to explain further about the O.W.L. examinations to her fourth-year students, understanding that the concept could be quite daunting.

"The Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations, or O.W.L.s, are a critical milestone in your magical education," she explained. "These examinations are used to determine your proficiency in a wide range of magical subjects, and your results will play a significant role in determining your future magical career paths. Many career choices and advanced magical studies, such as N.E.W.T. levels, are influenced by the scores you achieve in your O.W.L.s."

She continued, her gaze stern as she looked at her students. "In this year's Transfiguration class, you will focus on the principles and techniques that you'll need to excel in your O.W.L. examination. This will include both theoretical knowledge and practical demonstrations. It's crucial that you take your studies seriously, as the examinations are challenging and will test your magical abilities in various areas."

She continued, assigning extra homework, reading assignments, and preparation tasks. "You'll be expected to demonstrate a deep understanding of Transfiguration, and I have no doubt that you will excel. Dedicate yourselves to your studies, and you'll find this year's challenges well within your grasp."

The professor paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in. "However, you are not alone in this endeavor. I am here to support you, and you can always seek help and guidance. Dedication and hard work will be your key to success."

Theo, not particularly thrilled about the prospect of extra work in preparation for the O.W.L. examinations, couldn't help but voice his concerns to his friends. As they gathered after Transfiguration class, he grumbled, "Did you guys hear that? Extra work and more homework? Just what we needed, right before the year's really taken off."

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