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it and pulled it out, leaving Mac


"What are you doing?" Mac asked


"Go to sleep, don't you have a sore

throat?" said Nan before fumbling with

Mac's phone and dialling a number,

("What's up?") echoed Mac's father's


"Hello, are you Mac's father?" Nan

said into the phone, letting Mac know

he was calling his father.

("Yeah, who's this? Why do you have

Mac's phone number?") said Mac's


"Well, I got Mac's phone and called

to say Mac is sick. He probably won't

be able to make it to work." Nan said

in a pretty normal tone, making Mac

listen sleepy. He couldn't help but be

surprised that Nan could talk like that.

Wow, he was fine yesterday. Why

Is he sick now? What is he doing?")

Mac's dad asked worriedly.

"He just took some medicine and fell

asleep," said Nan as he looked at Mac

and saw that he was starting to sleep.

"I suspect it was because it was

raining yesterday, so he felt bad. Well,

no need to worry, I'll take care of him,"

Nan said, now that Mac was asleep.

("Are you the friend Mac went out

with,"), asked Mac's father.

"Yes," Nan replied.

("Oh, I thought he was with his

girlfriend. Well, call me if anything

happens," Mac's father spoke,

although he wanted to scold his son.

but he was worried about his only son.

"Yeah, don't worry," said Nan again

before Mac's dad hung up, he presses

to mute Mac's phone so no one would

bother calling while Mac was sleeping

Nan went to bed and

discovered that Mac was already fast

asleep. Then he moved the blanket to

cover him up to his neck and lay down

on the other side. Nan wasn't going

out today, so he turned on the TV and

put on a movie in his room, but he

didn't turn the volume up too much

because he didn't want to disturb the

sick person even though he was always

bothering Mac. However, Mac slept so

Nan & Mac Book 1 (Love Syndrome)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang