"So, am I," Celeste smiled back. "Now, I am sorry to do this, but I need to get ready. Grandma and grandpa are taking me out today. We are going shopping for a new gown for the Hoenn Grand Festival!"

"Have fun!" Ash beamed, as she ended the call. He sighed in relief, knowing that his friend was doing great in Hoenn. He had been quite worried about her during their Senior Year and their Sinnoh Journey. But things seem to have settled down for her in Hoenn. Ash giggled when Nephele nuzzled his neck. "You are happy too, right Ele?"

"Altaria!" Nephele agreed, with a delighted croon.

"So, am I," Ash nuzzled back. It was a habit he'd had since he'd been a child. It was something he'd never truly broken. Not that Ele or him ever wanted to, they enjoyed their closeness, and it helped ground each other. "Now that the break is over, we better get back to work! I need to earn my Field Researcher License after all!"

"Al-Altaria!" Nephele agreed, humming a low tune to help her Trainer focus on the task at hand.

Professor Oak's Field Research Report

Field Researcher: Ash Ketchum


Location: Opelucid City

Topic: The Evolutionary Dynamics of Dragon-Type Pokemon Within a "Thunder"



This report seeks to delve into the unique dynamics at play when Dragon-type Pokemon, specifically those within a "Thunder," interact and coexist within a cohesive group of their own kind. This study focuses on the case of Ares, Ash Ketchum's Hakamo-o, as a potential illustration of how peer influence can catalyze the evolution process among Dragon-types. In this report, we will outline the methods, observations, and potential implications for our understanding of Pokemon evolution.



In the realm of Pokemon, the process of evolution remains a captivating area of study. We've long known that Pokemon often undergo evolution, assuming more powerful forms. But the factors influencing this transformation remain enigmatic. Our hypothesis, based on our observations during Ash's journey, is that the presence of more evolved peers, specifically in a closely-knit group known as a "Thunder," might influence the evolutionary pace of younger members.



Selection of the Subject: Our study focuses primarily on Ash's Hakamo-o, Ares, who recently evolved from Jangmo-o. This Pokemon has been part of a group of Dragon-types since hatching from an egg and is currently residing with a "Thunder" of fully evolved Dragon-types under Ash's care. Observation and Data Collection: We've been meticulously monitoring Ares' interactions with his more mature companions. This includes daily activities, battles, and group dynamics. Specific attention is given to any behavioral changes that suggest an accelerated evolutionary drive. Interviews: Our team has conducted interviews with Ash's companions to better understand the context of Ares' development and their perception of the Thunder's influence on Ares' evolution.


Observations and Findings:

As per our observations, the following key points are noteworthy:

Improved Battle Skills: Ares exhibited significant growth in battle skills during his interaction with the Thunder. This growth may be an adaptation to match the skills of his more evolved companions. Evolving Attitude: Ares appears to display a heightened motivation towards evolving, as evident from his determination in battles and training. This potentially supports our hypothesis that peer influence accelerates evolution. Behavioral Changes: While he's still a Hakamo-o, Ares has started to assume a more dominant role within the Thunder. This suggests a growing need to assert his presence and influence the pack.



The evidence we've gathered from our observations and interviews indicates that there may indeed be a connection between the presence of more evolved Dragon-type Pokemon and the pace of evolution in younger members, like Ares. While we are unable to conclude definitively from this single case study, these findings certainly warrant further exploration.

It's crucial to consider the implications of this research. If we can substantiate this theory, it would revolutionize our understanding of pokemon evolution. Additionally, understanding the psychological and social dynamics at play in "Thunders" could have significant consequences for how trainers and researchers work with Dragon-types.



The progress of Ares, Ash's Hakamo-o, within a Thunder of fully evolved Dragon-types provides compelling evidence supporting our hypothesis that the presence of more advanced peers can influence the evolutionary development of younger pokemon. We encourage further research in this field to validate this theory and gain a deeper understanding of how it might apply to other groups of pokemon.


Ash Ketchum, Professor Oak's Field Researcher


This report is based on observations and interviews conducted during Ash's journey, and while it suggests intriguing possibilities, it's important to remember that more research is needed to confirm the findings.

"I think this is ok..." Ash muttered to himself as he reviewed his report and corrected some mistakes he caught. Without thinking twice, he pressed the sent button, and the report was sent to Professor Oak. "Now that this is over with, let's go and get lunch. I'm starving!"

Ash nimbly climbed on the back of Nephele and the two took to the sky at once, leaving behind the private clearing they had been lounging at. This clearing was in between the Ketchum House and the Nature Preserve, and it had been found by a young Ash and a young Swablu during their many times volunteering at the Nature Preserve. Even with the addition of more members to the Thunder, this place still belonged to the Trainer-Starter duo.

Ash could feel the cool wind ruffling his hair and the sun's warmth on his face. He loved flying, especially with Nephele. It was special and magical whenever he and his starter flew together. Especially, since Ash had been there for when Nephele was grounded and feared the sky. But those days are no more! Nephele now ruled the skies with the grace of a Queen and Ash could not be happier for her.

Focusing on the past will do them no favors. As such they will focus on the future... on the Vertress Conference!

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