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After being at the studio for ten minutes I'd eaten some salad and had a lemonade. "Okay girlies, nice easy session today and we can finish with just dance huh?" I say in an upbeat tone and they all squeal and jump in excitement.

"Okay so Emily and Mollie you can pair, Ava and Evie and then I will work with Mae Mae." I state as they all begin practicing.

"Darby please can we do the fantasize dance by Ariana grande!" Emily begs and my jaw drops open, dramatically.

"Your 12!! Your a minor!" I yell laughing as she crossed her arms and gave me a pout.

Soon the door knocks and Antonia walks in omg with Jude and Jobe. "No way, what are you doing here?" I ask hugging her. "Well we brought you food and Jude and Jobe want to have a face of at rasaputin." She states handing me an iced coffee.

"Well thank you, we were just beginning." I smile as she nods. "Darby vs Antonia" Jobe quizzes. "Macarena." Jude adds as Antonia slaps him on the back of the head.

"Solids, anyways my girls are warming up so you do the same." I say as Jude and Jobe both nod.

After that we begin, i turn on the large tv and hand out the small Nintendo handles to the dancers. "Okay so which one do you wanna do girls?" I say flicking through them with the remote. "Jude and Darby should do the timber one!" Mae Mae shouts at her cousin. "Fine!" Jude says and I nod, handing him a controller and taking my jumper off.

"Try your best Bellingham." I challenge sassily. "Oh I will be getting superstar just you wait flower face." He retorts putting a hand over his mouth in shock. "That rhymes!"

"Whatever, it's starting!!" Emily shouts and I feel begrudged to be getting gold of by a 12 year old.

After that the screen comes up and we both press our controller, registering my name. My username comes up and so does Jude's chosen name.

We begin to spin as the song plays on and Jude lowers to one knee, waving an arm in a cowboy motion and taking my hand in his other as I skip around him in circles.

The just dance ends and I have 5 more points than Jude making me the winner. "Victory is mine!" I yell victoriously jumping around.

"Whatever!" Jude pouts and I let out a laugh. "I'm sorry, didn't realise I was playing a.. sore loooserrr!" I grin and he scoops me up, I thought I was heavy but apparently not with the way he effortlessly run with me.

He ends by throwing me into the huge foam pit in the gymnasium area. I submerge out of the neon, foam blocks and stick a middle finger up at him. "That's not very nice customer service, flipping your client off." He sarcastically remarks and I laugh whilst he jumps in, well gets pushed by Jobe who scoops Antonia up and does the same.

"Well the Bellinghams win." Jobe says as the dab each other up.

"Antonia special?" Antonia says and I laugh, I nod. All the girls have left with there mums and dads now, I heard the doors so we have the gym to mess around with.

"Go for it!" I yell as she grabs a large duffel that people use to knock each other into the foam pit, she passes it to me and then grabs one for herself. Without anything else we begin hitting eachother and giggling as we get lifted onto each of the boys shoulders, me on Jude and her on Jobe as we have a non water, chicken fight.

Jude swing me around, dodging Antonia's hit as I give one final hit which cause me to fall off with the force I used to swing and so does Antonia. "I'd say I took one for the team." I say as me and Jude both fall, me dragging him down as Jobe falls too.

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