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After finishing setting up Jobe Bellinghams birthday table Darby moved on to the rest of the room, struggling to reach the highest ceilings but she managed.

She always managed, she was Darby Rae Sãnchez. She was a fighter.

First person

I smiled satisfied as I finally finished the room, walking backwards taking it all in until I felt a large bang against my back, did I walk into the wall?

"My bad!" Jude exclaims as he stares at the room. Oh no does he think it's ugly?

"No it's not, it's beautiful." He smiles and I cover my mouth in shock, "the fuck? Did I say that out loud." I whisper in a shouty tone.

"Yes you did love, don't worry it think it's cute." He smiles and I shake my head with a chuckle.
"Ya terminé, ¿qué diablos?" I say and he look at me shocked.
( I'm so done with today, what the heck!?)

"Wow, I didn't realise you were bilingual?" He asks and I nod. "My mother is Spanish, my father is english. That's why my first name is English and my second is Spanish." I explain.

I get many misconceptions because Darby is a traditional English name and that's because my dad picked it before he left us, my last name is after my mother.

"Hey this gonna sound upfront but I recently transferred to Real Madrid, would you ever be up for helping me learn some Spanish?" He asks and I smile, this could be good because i have three jobs and this could be a pass time.

"I'd love to help you sometime," I reply and he gives me a very unexpectant hug. "You have no idea how great I am at Spanish." He jokes but he looks very serious. "Sure." I tease and he laughs as we both walk down to the reception we're guests are arriving.

"Catherine! This is the florist I was telling you about for your Antonia's wedding!" Denise says leading a blonde woman over. "Oh my god! Darby!" The fifty year old woman squeals as we jump into each others arms.

"Mama cee!" I scream, not to load to draw attention as we jump around. "You two know eachother?" Denise asked and Catherine smiles. "This is my Antonia's best friend, they run the business together whilst she's at university." Catherine explained and Denise nods. "No way, Catherine is Jobe and Jude's godmother. We grew up together." Denise adds and Catherine let's me go squeezing my elbow.

"It was lovely to see you anyway Dee, next time your at Antonia's I will be there!" She states and I nod. "Bye mama Cee, it was lovely to see you again." I smile before heading to my car.

Jude Bellingham POV

After the pretty florist, Darby leaves my mum and "mama cee" keep talking as we sit down at the table which was previously displayed by Darby.

"She's honestly such a lovely young woman." Catherine says making the obvious, opinionated Auntie talk, although she is a lovely woman.

"I can't say I knew her until she did the flowers for us." My mum smile holding up a jasmine. I'm such a pro with flowers.

"Yes, she's had a tough life. She works three jobs and never stops volunteering at the dance academy helping the young ones but she's always managing. No matter how much she struggles she always helps someone else." Catherine said, I wondered if she was drunk or slightly tipsy because she was so nonchalantly revealing this girls private life however I let it slide and just listened whilst slipping on my drink.

"Anyways I'm gonna go and see Tony, he just got here and have fun." I state before my mum interrupts. "Take your little brother!" She says waving a hand whilst holding her glass, not even making eye contact. "Mum he's seventeen!!!" I state putting my hands to my chin with an O shaped mouth.

"Did I stutter? Take him with you, he will be taking his friends anyways. Oh and DONT sneak him into a club and leave him there alone again Jude." She adds and I let out a laugh.

"I mean, come on now it was funny and tha- "take your brother."


After that I simply walked away before meeting up with Toby, I haven't seen him because this is my first week back for Jobes birthday since o left for Madrid 2 months ago.

Me and my mum miss my dad and Jobe all the time, well I miss my dad, I don't really miss Jobe.

After we all huddled up we got together and sat at an empty table that had lots of drinks on it and a lot of pretty flowers, it's only when I think of her flowers of eel like I can smell her divine perfume, wait I can actually smell it.

I look to the door and see her stood there, completely out of place looking nervous because of all the shouting, intoxicated men that are Jobes footballer friends. "Hey what are you doing back here?" I ask as I make my up to her with a happy but puzzled tone.

"I forgot my bag, I think it's there." She said pointing to the table where me and Toby had been previously sat. I walk over to the table, her following me and I take deep breathers inhaling her stunning perfume. "It's the river island one." She smiles and I nod, passing her the bag which has her keys and purse in.

"Thanks Jude, I don't know what I would have done." She laughs and I give her a hug. She smiles, stepping away afterwards. "Anyways I should go, thanks again." She says and I interrupt.

"Do you want a drink?" He smiled passing me a small champagne flute. "I'm driving- I saw the look on his face and I couldn't say no. "One won't hurt. But I don't want to be a burden." She says going a red tint and I chuckle.

"Never." I reassure and she smiles, taking her hand I guide her to our table and pass her a glass of champagne.

"Wow, thank you I'm just gonna go to the bathroom first." She smiles and I nod as she walks away, slipping a small metal case from her bag.

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