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Darby POV

I step away from the table, I feel like I'm overstepping get I don't want to be rude, I walk to the bathroom and lock the stall door behind me before grabbing my dexecom meter.

I was diagnosed with diabetes 3 years ago and I never really ate lots of sweet foods, i was not really eating at all to be honest but my father had diabetes so I think it was just genetic that I got it, I wasn't born with it, it developed.

I take the small pen and put it on my stomach before pressing the click, it sent a small prick and I sighed before pulling my jumper down again. Insulin costs a lot when you health insurance doesn't cover type one. 

I step back out and smile. I can have one drink, go home and then to work and earn more money, I can do this.

I walk back to the table and smile sitting down and my mouth falls open as I see Antonia. "Antonia!!!" I scream and jump into her arms as she squeals and smiles. "I'm here with mama cee obviously." She also adds and I jump up and down. "Seriously we need to stop people are looking at us." I state and she stops instantly before we both begin laughing hysterically.

"I missed you so so sooo much!" We both sat in sync before sitting down. We talked for about 20 minutes before enrolling in conversation. " so Antonia, how's uni?" Jobe asked as Antonia smiled. "It's good but I miss the shop and my bestieee!" She smiled hugging me as a I go red.

"Yea, Darby said she'd help me learn some Spanish for when I move to Madrid again." Jude added and Antonia squeezed me. "Yes! That will be good for you Darby, get yourself out there." She whispered the last bit and I laugh.

"Yes we'll sorry to cut this short, I have a shift in 30 minutes." I smile and Jobe looks at me funny. "You own a shop?" He questions and I nod. "I also work at san Carlo the restaurant." I smile as he make an o shape with his mouth.

"No way, we're eating there tonight, for my birthday." Jobe smiles and I give a grin. "Coincidentally I'm working tonight. See you then." I add before grabbing my bag, wishing him a happy birthday and leaving.

"Hey let me walk you to your car." Jude adds and I pause before refusing, he gets up walking towards me, guiding me through the crowd of family on the dance floor with a hand on my lower back.

We reach my car and I smile as he opens my door and shuts it behind me. I wind down my window and he leans his head in to my car window. "Thank you again for everything." Jude says and I give him a sarcastic solute.

"My pleasure." I say back as he gives me a kiss on the cheek before walking back I to the hotel, function room.

I make my way to the restaurant because the flower shop is closed today so I help out at the dance academy tonight and have a shift at San Carlo.

When I get there I put on my uniform. It's pretty cute, it consists of some black leggings and a black skintight top with some converse and a small apron, it really eventuates your waist, just like my one when I help out at my mother's restaurant occasionally.

It's been about three hours since I got to work, I noticed the reservations, surely enough there was a table booked under Mama Cee's real name and I smiled. 

My manager has been non stop rushing around and being rude, I'd rather be teaching kids how to dance rather than this right now.

Luckily Antonia is on the booking for the table so everyone should be there and I will be able to talk to them because my shift ends at 6 and there table is at 5:30 so that should give me 10 minutes after my shift just to see Antonia again.

As I'm making a cocktail for a couple that arrived on a cute date, the bell on the door rings notifying the door has been opened and all the people that I previously saw walked in. There was at least 15 of them so they had the biggest table in-front of the small cash register and near the bar.

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