Glorious plan

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~Unknown POV~

I've been watching from the shadows for a long time to set my revenge on Memphis. The number one man for the notorious club Shadow demon.

I have been watching his little Queen to. Oh, how gorgeous she is. I wouldn't mind keeping her for myself. How far will Memphis go to get her back?

Hmm, it'll be a glorious plan to get them all in the same room and watch the bloodshed unfold. Memphis, you'll pay from what you have done. My heart is tainted with darkness.

Gloria, however was another problem. she owes my people a shît load of money, and I'm here to collect. Her lies are unravelling like cling wrap. She's been fucking around with this shît for too long.

I didn't want to get involved with it, I just want my money or I'll take her fucking head. Plus having Memphis's balls on a plate, would be a bloody bonus.

"Boss, Gloria is making a run for it. Shall we capture her?" My second spoke.

"Not yet, let's see where she goes. If I have to guess, it's to the hospital. We will get there before her. Station the men and capture her step-daughter. I want answers to why I have to deal with this problem personally." I said, irritatedly.

"Are you sure, boss? Ciara hasn't done anything to warrant your anger. You've seen the information yourself, why piss of Thomas Jones?" He questioned me.

"Not my problem. The man is dead from that fire. Gloria still hasn't been paid, and I'm getting impatient by the second. Ciara is my meal ticket to fucking Memphis. Don't undermine me, or you'll be fed to the sharks. Understood?" I warned him not to crossed me.

"Yes, Boss. I'll capture the girl myself and bring her to you. Remember, she's not to be hurt. she's innocent in this!" He told as I rolled my eyes.

He was always soft and fucking annoying. Why do I put up with it? Right, he's good at his job.

"Fuck off out of my sight, wuss!" I hissed.

"Jerk!" He muttered.

My right hand man was right. Ciara is innocent here. Fuck it, she'll be protected and if she doesn't help; she'll scream eventually. I'm really unhappy with this shit, but someone has to clean up the shit that was made by Gloria. I'll see you soon, little whore.


~Ciara's POV~

My uncle was rushed to the emergency room while I stayed back with Knox. He was anxious and irritated beyond words. There's no doubt that he's a vengeful man. After all, he's my older cousin that I've just known about.

Daniella was close by as she grabs coffee's for everyone. Molly had work at the bike shop. So, she was needed there to deal with something. When I think of it, she was pissed off before she left.

"Ciara?" She handed me a coffee cup.

"Oh, thanks Daniella. Any news?" I asked.

"Still in surgery. If he waited any longer, he would've died. Thanks to you, cousin. I got my Daddy back." Daniella was relieved.

"I'd do anything for him, Daniella. He was there for me when my own father wasn't. I owe him a great deal." I said, remembering all the time he was there for me.

M.C BIKIES SERIES: MEMPHIS.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt