Expect the unexpected

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A few days later


It's been a few days since I was admitted to the hospital. Memphis and the crew were there every day. Even Molly brought back lady products and food. I'm grateful for them being here with me. For years, I've felt nothing but loneliness.

After being here for a few days; They've shown me that I wasn't alone. Molly came back with my car because Memphis didn't want to risk my discomfort on his bike.

Memphis wheeled me out of the hospital. Molly opened the door to the passenger side as I slowly moved from the wheelchair. Ruby takes the wheelchair back inside to the nurse who was waiting for it.

I clenched onto the holder and pulled myself up as Memphis supported until I'm finally in the car. He shuts the door and gets into the driver's seat. Molly and Ruby are in the back.

“It's fucking good now that you're out of that bed. How are you feeling?” Molly asked.

“Like I went through a few rounds with Mike Tyson. So, what's happening with the scheming vultures?” I smiled.

“Well, it seems Olivia is still trying to get pregnant. Jeffrey informed Hector about her little stratagem. He notified his clients and workers to wear protection at all costs. since our last discussion, I wanted everyone to be on high alert.” Memphis added.

“She's getting desperate. Eventually, she'll look for it outside the club. Olivia has her ways of achieving something, especially if Gloria has put it in her head.” I wasn't keen on hearing that again.

“The woman is shameless. Why doesn't she stop before it's too late?” Ruby wasn't happy.

“Olivia had everything handed to her. Money, power, status. She thinks she's untouchable because she's my father's legitimate child from the past.” I scoffed.

When I said that, Memphis eyed me curiously. I knew he was hiding something from me.

Molly handed over a file with Gloria's name embedded at the top in black ink. When I opened the file to read its contents, I was astonished.

“What the actual fuck? Olivia isn't my sister. Why would someone lie to my father for this long? He didn't even suspect a thing either,” I paused.

I gasped and continued. “Why would Gloria trap my father like this?” I added.

“Not sure, but I suspect it has to do with money. Also, we have a feeling Olivia and Gloria know where your father and uncle are.” Memphis looked worried.

“That wouldn't surprise me. Wait, did you say my dad is missing?” I was shocked.

“I'm still figuring it out. Gloria has someone powerful under her wing. I'm doing all I can, but I have a feeling it might be the lover and father of Olivia.” Molly added.

“The plot thickens. So, who's Olivia's father?” I wanted to know why they seem to keep lying about who they are.

Molly handed me another file with Noah Matthews on it. Why does that name sound familiar? When I was younger, I saw a man always walking around as if he was a servant.

M.C BIKIES SERIES: MEMPHIS.Where stories live. Discover now