Slippery snakes and lakes

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I was in the hotel room when we got the news about the house burning down. It's an easy pay check. My step-father would be nice and toasty right now.

My mother has the biggest grin on her face once the news confirms the house destroyed everything. I sat back on the bed, twirled my thumbs around. I wore a smile to match my mothers. She's a sadistic bitch, but she gets shit done.

“The plan worked for my darling daughter. We will be cashing in once things die down. Olivia, work on your tears. You need to sell this.” My mother, Gloria said.

“Don't worry mother, you need to work on yourself before you judge my performance. You don't act like a broken widow.” I said, annoyingly.

“Watch your mouth. I'm your mother. Now, the police will find us here and when they do. Fake it till you make it, got it?” Gloria hissed.

“Yeah, Yeah. Just worry about yourself,” I spoke.

“You're so disrespectful.” Gloria snorted.

“Takes one to know one, Mother.  So, are you gunning for a new husband?” I said, sinisterly.

“I have another man I'm looking into. He's a CEO of the Winters Family. His name is Logan, he'll be my next victim. I need to get some planning done. Maybe, you can work on his brother?” She doesn't hide anything.

“Are you out of your fucking mind? No, I want Memphis. Will you help me get him or else?” I demanded.

A hand collided with my face. My mother's hand slapped twice before I stared at her holding my face with my palm. I was more shocked than her.

My mother walked away instantly. What the fuck, why did she hit me, only to walk away. I suppose it was guilt or something. No, my mother is impulsive.



“Open up, it's the police!” The officer ordered.

“No word out of character, understood?” Gloria grabs my arm and hissed.

“Got it, Now open the door!” I yanked my arm back.

My mother opened the door, revealing an officer of the law. I get into character as the officer walks in. I frowned at the way he was staring at me, like I was lunch.

Maybe, if I slept with him, he could be my sperm donor. It's something to think about. I knew he was eye fucking me before he returned to his posture. My mother smiled.

“I have to ask you both to follow me to the station.” The officer said with a stern expression.

“Is something wrong?” Gloria asked.

“Just a few questions, Ma'am.” The officer keeps a cool head.

“Okay. Olivia, let's go.” Gloria spoke as I followed.

I got up from the bed, and followed them out. When we reached the station. The place was filthy. There's scum everywhere.

I couldn't even deal with these people. I felt sick to my stomach. Was this guilt? Ah, fuck no. I sat down in the interview room. My mother was in the next room. Why did they separate us?

“Miss Rundle. I'm here to ask some questions. Please answer truthfully. Do you understand?” The officer spoke.

“Yes!” I answered.

“Where were you between 9pm-12pm last night?” He asked.

“At the hotel. I was tired and asked my mother to take me there. Why?” I answer.

M.C BIKIES SERIES: MEMPHIS.Where stories live. Discover now