Chapter-44 Partners..?

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Several Years Ago...

A small town with very few people living in it.. There was a pub nearby at an open ground and inside the pub,
The was a group of bandits sitting there and drinking sake.
There was a small time duo bounty hunters named Johnny and Yosaku hawking the bandits since their leader Billy The Bandit have a 5M Berries bounty on his head.
But Billy The Bandit is a tall, buff and strong dude so The Bounty Hunters duo have no clue how to take him down and collect bounty.
Suddenly the pub door burst open,
And a Green Haired Man with torned out clothes, carrying one sword walked into the pub's bar and sat at the chair.
It was none other than Zoro.

"Give me anything to eat.." Zoro says looked a bit exhausted,

"Got money to pay, pal..?" The Bartender ask with a glare,

"Not at the moment,
But i will soon once i collect the bounty of that guy sitting behind me on that table." Zoro says with a smirk,

Johnny and Yosaku were shocked that he announced that like it was nothing.
Those bandits have been terrorizing the town for a long time but Zoro doesn't seem to care at all.

"Who is this weird guy..?
Is he a bounty hunter..?
Well no bounty hunters around here are crazy enough to go after Billy The Bandit except That Infamous Pirate Hunter... But that Pirate Hunter is a Santoriyu Three Swords Style user.
This guy is only carrying just one..
He's either brave or stupid." Johnny thought to himself,

"You got it all wrong, Stranger..!
COZ I'M GOING TO CUT YOU INTO PIECES..." Billy The Bandit says yelling at Zoro,

Billy ran towards Zoro with a huge blade was about to kill Zoro but without even looking, Zoro blocked it with his sword.

"Get the food ready, Server...
And a bottle of sake too." Zoro says with a smirk turning around and cutting Billy's chest,

The other bandits ran away in fear as their leader dropped unconscious bleeding on the floor.

"That was-- AMAZING..!" Johnny says with a shock,

"Who is this guy..?
His name is not on the wanted poster.
He must be an outlaw." Yosaku says with a shock,

"Whoever he is,
We can't let some newbie steal our bounty right outta from under our nose.." Johnny says with an anger,

The Bartender server Zoro food as Zoro started digging in like a hungry lion.
Johnny confront Zoro about Billy The Bandit.

"Listen here, pal..!
There are certain guidelines for Bounty Hunting like not stealing another hunter's prey..!" Johnny says with a stubborn glare,

"Bwhaawth..?" Zoro ask with food in his mouth

"Unlike you, we didn't wanna make any trouble for the pub,
So we waited for him to get outside." Yosaku says with a slight fear,

"Aaham..." Zoro says finishing his meal,

"Don't worry...
I am looking for a man named Dracula Mihawk Hawkeye..
My goal is to defeat him and become The World's Greatest Swordsman..
I do collect bounty but just to get some food. And i don't consider myself as a Bounty Hunter.

I didn't know you had a claim on him,
Sorry about that.
Tell you what, you can get him to the Marine and collect the reward." Zoro says with a wave walking off,

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