Chapter-18 Dracula Mihawk Hawkeye.

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"Grandpa..?" Luffy says shocking the crew,

"GRAND PA..?" Zoro, Nami and Ussop asked in unison with a shocked look,

The Going Merry is trying to make a run for it but Garp's Marine Vessel manage to remain on Merry's tail.

He is The Hero Of The Navy..!
The Famous Vice Admiral Of The Marines, Garp..?" Nami ask with a confused look,

"And you just called him, Grandpa..!" Zoro ask with a questioning look,

INCOMING..!" Ussop says screaming and ducking down looking at the incoming Cannon Ball, breaking The Ship Railing.

"Hit The DECK..!" Ussop says screaming at another Cannon Ball breaking the side,

Prepare our Cannons..
Fire back at them.." Luffy says with a commanding tone,

"How about we sail away as fast as we can..?" Ussop says kinda freaking out to which Nami shrugged agreeing,

"Run from The Marines..?
Nami, Trim The Sail thing... Ussop, let's sink their ship..!" Luffy says helping Ussop to prepare the Cannon,

"We have no time, you idiot..!
They are gaining on us and they're stealing our wind..." Nami says looking frightened,

"You're The Navigator, Nami..!
Do something.." Luffy says preparing The Cannons with Ussop,

Zoro..! Sheet in and hard to port.." Nami says with a scared tone trying to get herself together,

Zoro nodded and do as Nami asked him to. Luffy and Ussop have no clue how to load a cannonball,
Nami told Ussop to lead the cannon in the barrel but he dropped it and the Cannonballs roll all over the deck.
Ussop sweatdrop in embarrassment while Nami and Zoro sighed,

"Pirate Vessel...
By order of the Marines,
Lower your sail and surrender to my authority..." Garp says speaking on a Transponder Speakerphone Snail,

"NEVERRRRRRR" Luffy says screaming to his lungs,

"Alright, you brat..!
Have it your way.." Garp says with a smirk taking off his coat,

He picked up the Cannonballs with his bare hand and started throwing it at Luffy... Luffy stretched his body into a baloon and redirect the cannonballs to Garp's Marine Vessel damaging it's sail.

Garp got furious as he screamed towards Luffy and then started laughing to his heart..

"Ohh, Not bad boy..!" Garp says with a laugh confusing Koby and Helmappo,

That's amazing...
You saved us, Hahahahah..." Ussop says in joy running to Luffy and both started dancing around,

Nami, Get us out of here.." Luffy says with a grin,

"On it..." Nami says with a smirk, steering the ship away,

Nami steer them out of Garp's sight as The Marine Vessel cannot follow them for a while since Luffy break their sail.
After putting enough distance between them, Zoro check the Ships damage.

"How's the ship..?" Nami ask while steering the ship,

"Broken Railing and Minor damage...
Could've been a lot worse.." Zoro says walking up to Nami,

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