Chapter-33 Zoro vs Baroque Works.

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The Straw Hat Pirates came across the reverse mountain where the water elevates upwards.
They manage to climb up the reverse mountain and on their way down into the sea, they came across a huge black whale.

They crash into the whale and broke Luffy's Seat which is the head of The Going Merry. Luffy being a brave idiot punched that Whale's eye making his crew cry in shock.

"YOU....MORON..!" Zoro, Sanji, Ussop and Nami fall down crying,

Soon Nami insist everyone to paddle their way away before The whale notice their ship but it was too late.
The whale swallow the ship..
But to their surprise, they meet with an old man inside the whale's belly who is also a doctor named Crocus.

Crocus explained the story of Laboon, The Giant whale on how some good hearted Pirates dropped a young and small Laboon to Crocus to take care of untill they return in 2 years.
But it's been more than 50 years and Crocus heard the Pirates are dead.
Laboon not believing in crocus, hit the mountain again and again, trying to break the wall so he can cross the sea and find his friends on his own.

Luffy was touched by the loyalty of Laboon and he sensed Laboon needed a good brawl more than love and care.
So Luffy spar with Laboon for a while and paused their fight in a draw.
Luffy make Laboon an honorary member of The Straw Hat Pirates and promised Laboon to wait for them until they return.

Crocus thanked Luffy for helping him with Laboon and insist on helping them with their repair works.
After finishing the repair works of The Merry, Crocus gave Nami a Loguepose which help them navigate to the next island.

They set sail to the first island...
A place called Whiskey Peak.
Luffy and others expected the people to be afraid of them since they are Pirates,
But to the opposite, the town people were quite welcoming as they consider Pirates to be a brave Adventurers.

The town people shower Luffy and others with food, water, sake and supplies... They had a Drinking contest for 100k Berries.
Zoro was invited and it's free booze so he agreed while Nami is in for the money.

"Come on, Zoro..!
Let's win the money..!" Nami says with a cheerful smirk,

"If you want the money,
Try getting it yourself or better steal it since that's your usual gig..." Zoro says with a grunt Drinking and not minding Nami at all,

What Zoro says literally hurt Nami's feelings a bit as Sanji heard it and started fighting with Zoro.
After a while, Zoro played along but still kept his distance from Nami that even Sanji took a notice of.

After 25 mugs of Booze,
Everyone dropped on the floor on hangover, only 3 of them remain.
A Nun, Nami and Zoro.
The Nun and Nami were at their limits trying so hard to chug on the 26th mug,
Zoro finished it like it was nothing..

"Ahrrr yoo ehven hoomam, shoro..?" Nami ask totally drunk, reaching her limits, dropping asleep on the table,

The Nun gets up and ran outside to puke when people looked at Zoro in an awe,

"Hey..! You got some more..?" Zoro ask as the people drop on the floor,

Outside of the party hall,
A Light Blue Haired woman named Ms.Wednesday and a White Curly Haired Old Man named Mr.8 were talking.

"So, where are the guests..?" Ms.Wednesday ask Mr.8 with curiosity,

"They are falling... Stright to hell." Mr.8 says with a death glare,

"Finally that Swordsman fall asleep after i mixed some sleeping pills on his drink or he will drink us dry..!
35 mugs and he still wants more,
Can you believe that guy..?" The Nun A.K.A Ms.Monday says taking off her Nun costume,

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