Chapter-34 Zoro vs Luffy.

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Nami was shocked listening to the information that Ms.Wednesday is actually Vivi Nefertari, The Princess Of Alabasta Kingdom and Mr.8 is Igaram, The Captain of The Royal Guard and Security of Alabasta.
Zoro on the other hand listening to all this, drinking Sake with a smirk,

"Well..! This is getting interesting.." Zoro says whipping the liquor off of his lips with a smirk,

Mr.5 picked his nose and throw a snot at Mr.8 as in Igaram.
The snot blasted at Igaram's face throwing him into a building showing Mr.5 is a devil fruit user.

"IGARAM..!" Ms.Wednesday as in Vivi screamed in horror running towards Igaram to help him,

"Princess Vivi..!
You must forget about me and run away from here." Igaram says with a grunt of pain,

Zoro on the other hand didn't bother with them since they all are Baroque Works and he doesn't care what happens to them.
He just picked up Luffy and walked away.

"I have no clue what's going on here, Ms.Wednesday..!
But we've been fighting side by side for a long time..
So I'm not gonna let you die here.
I'll buy you some time.
Get out of here.." Mr.9 says helping Vivi,

"Thank you, Mr.9..!" Vivi says with a surprised look,

Mr.9 ran to attack Mr.5 and Ms.Valentine but Mr.5 shot another snot at Mr.9's face blasting him away.
Zoro figured Mr.5 is a DF user and that is when Igaram dragged himself towards Zoro to grab his leg.

I have a most unreasonable request,
But i need someone with strength such as your to protect The Princess of Alabasta..The Whole Kingdom depend on her survival...
I'm begging you, protect her." Igaram says with tears in his eyes begging Zoro to help Vivi,

Who do you think i am..?
A personal escort..? Untill few minutes ago, you were all cocky trying to kill me..
Why the hell should i help you..?" Zoro says yelling at Igaram to let go of his leg,

"How about you promise us 1M Berries as a reward for saving your princess..?" Nami says surprising Zoro and Igaram,

"What..! But I'm just a Solider,
I can't promise you that much money." Igaram says with a grunt,

"So you're saying your princess's life is not worth 1M Berries..?" Nami ask Igaram with a smirk,

"If you wanna struck a deal,
You have to do it with the princess.." Igaram says with a worried look,

"Oh well..!
So we have to save her in order to make a deal with her, fine...
Zoro..! Go save her." Nami says with hands crossed,

"If you want the money,
You can go save her by yourself.." Zoro says with a grunt walking away,

"Don't be an idiot..
If we get 1M Berries, I'll get the money and you get to cut some bad guys.." Nami says with a shrug,

"You think I'm stupid enough to fall for that crap..?
You can go boss around that love cook but i don't take orders from you.." Zoro says walking and not looking at Nami,

"So what are we gonna do for our supplies..?
Don't forget, you drink us all to thirst and Luffy eat us all to starve..
We need that money..
Now Go.." Nami says insisting Zoro but he still doesn't budge,

"If i want,
I'll hunt other Pirates ships and collect Bounties to get supplies..
But I'm still not gonna take orders from someone like you..
You probably gonna make a run for it with all the money anyway..!" Zoro says with a glare to which Nami sighed sadly,

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