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TW: grief, death

Du-duh. Du-duh. Du-duh. Du-duh. Du-duh. Du-duh.

"Do you hear that Aru? That's my heart, beating for you."

Aru rolled her eyes and grinned as they walked back from school. She the warmth of him as they strolled back in the winter, trying to keep the cold out.

"Real sappy, Wifey!" Aru laughed out.

"Maybe I am sappy," Aiden said, turning to face her, "but you love me anyways,"

Aru reached up, brushing her lips against his.

"That, I do."



"That is a long way down!"

Aru rubbed Aiden's wrist, feeling his pulse going hay-wire.

"It's a water slide, and it will be over before you know it!"

They had gone to the park to celebrate graduating college, and it was time for the biggest ride there.

Aiden still looked nervous.

"Trust me."

At that, Aiden seemed to calm down.

They sat down, holding hands, and went over the edge together.


Du-duh, du-duh, du-duh, du-duh, du-duh, du-duh

Tears of joy ran down Aru's face. She ran towards Aiden, and swung her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly to her. His heartbeat was steady, in time with hers. To souls in harmony.

She slipped the ring onto her finger.

"Yes, Aiden. A thousand times, yes!"


Du-duh. Du-duh. Du-duh. Du-duh. Du-duh. Du-duh.

Aru rested her head on Aiden's chest, taking in the view of the stars above. The gentle rise and fall of his breath was almost familiar to her now.

"How can something be so beautiful?" She wondered aloud, as the stars shine overhead.

"I could ask the same thing about you." Aiden replied.

The moment was perfect.


Du-duh.     Du-duh.      Du-duh.      Du-duh.    Du-duh.     Du-duh.

"You hear that Aru? That's my heart, beating for you."

His words reminded Aru of an easier time, before the illness, before everything.

"Real sappy, Wifey." She said, tears filling her eyes. Could only be years since that day? It felt like entire lifetimes had come to pass.

"Maybe I am sappy," Aiden said, his voice wavering, "but you love me anyways."

"I'll always love you, forever and ever," Aru promised him fiercely, squeezing his hand, and memorizing the beat that came with it.

"Forever and ever."


Du-duh. Du-duh. Du-

Aru's sobs racked her body. She missed him so so much. More than she had thought possible.

She straightened out a picture of him in her hand. Aiden was leaning against a brick wall, his hair blowing in the wind, his dimples showing as he smiled. A ghost of a smile grew on her face.

He was the man who had always told her to bring a jacket.

The man who had put up with her crazy antics.

The man who would always bring her her favourite candy on valentine's day.

All the memories engulfed Aru, bringing joy, pain, love, hurt.

More tears ran down her face. How could he be gone?

She pulled the picture of him into her chest, letting herself weep freely.

Nothing would ever stop her love for Aiden.

It hurt, but it was the truth. And it meant some of him stayed with her.

And as Aru hugged the photograph of Aiden, she felt something familiar.

It was almost like...

A heartbeat.


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