Pt.3 (Party Time)

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The rest of the week practically flew by.

Tails, Knuckles, and Sonic would talk during lunch, and Silver and Sonic hung out during and in between class periods. During lunch, Sonic swears that he could hear Silver grumbling whenever he'd speak to the red echidna but for whatever reason Silver never came over to them.

Besides Silver's strange behavior, Sonic was on top of all of his homework. He usually did it during lunch since he never actually ate anything besides a fruit or two. Giving him plenty of time to talk and work.

Saturday finally came and Sonic was nervous. He didn't know what to do or how to dress but at least he got Tail's and Knuckle's numbers.

Sonic can't drive, he hasn't actually tried getting a driver's license since he was already faster than most if not all vehicles. Lucky for him Knuckles offered to drive him to the party. It was a little embarrassing having to be driven around but it could of been worse.

Sonic spent his morning looking for an outfit to wear. He wasn't the type to worry about what outfit he wore as long as the colors matched but he desperately wanted to make a good first impression.

He made sure to shower before the party, he even thought of pulling his quills back, and into a ponytail. Though he wasn't sure of how that would look given the fact that he'd never done it before. He ended up deciding to just slick back his quills and leave it at that.

He found a sage green varsity jacket far back in his closet and a pair of white sneakers, unused and unusually clean.

[7:30 pm]

He waited nervously on his front porch when he realized he didn't know whose house the party was gonna be at. It was someone new, someone he's never met. Regardless he knew that his friends were going to be there so he'd have people to hang out with. That calmed his nerves a bit. But only a bit.

After a few minutes of him bouncing and throwing around his stress ball, he saw a red car pop up and into his driveway.

The windows were pulled down and the person in the back seat waved to him.

"Sonic!" it was Tails, and he was waving his hand out the window.

Sonic quickly ran over, reaching them in a flash. "Hey!"

"Get in." Knuckles smiled and unlocked the front passenger seat door.

Sonic chuckled and hopped in. He'd gotten really close to them over the last few days, he was more open and energetic with them.

"Let's go!" he'd already forgotten how nervous he was not even a few minutes ago when he was sitting on his porch.

Knuckles reached over from the driver's seat and strapped Sonic to his seat.

"Not without a seatbelt." he adjusted the mirror and started to pull out of the driveway.

"Oh come on, I could have done it myself!" Sonic sneered jokingly.

"SHHH!" Tails shushed them from the back seat, "COME ON LET'S GO!"

"Alright alright!" Knuckles chucked and he finally started driving.

He was told the house was only 30 minutes away so they had plenty of time to talk.

"Ok so, what's one thing you could eat without ever getting bored of?" Tails asked from the back seat.

"Chilidogs!" Sonic quickly replied.

Tails quickly kicked Knuckle's seat almost like he was sending him a message. They'd been doing that for the past 15 minutes.

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