Pt.2 (Not So Bad)

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The moment Sonic got home he walked through the front door, into his bedroom dropping his bag somewhere near his bed, and just collapsed on his bed. He stayed asleep til early the next morning, it was exactly 5:30 when he awoke.

He got up and quickly pulled out a colorful varsity jacket, a pair of socks, and his bright red shoes.

He was already used to waking up early but he always dreaded having to leave the house so early. But today was different, he was excited for school to start and he quickly got ready for school making sure to pack up all his things.

He waited at the dining room table on his phone until it was finally time for school to start. He made sure to call his driver to inform them that he'd be running to school today to drain out some of his energy.

He arrived at school in less than 5 minutes, his unnatural speed helped. His home was only 3 miles away so it really wasn't all that far.

He quickly slowed down once the school came into view, he walked onto campus quickly spotting the Two-Tailed fox he'd met yesterday.

He walked up to him as calmly as possible once he realized he was by himself just reading a book.

"Hey!" He spoke as he walked closer to him.

"Oh hey! Sonic right?"

"The one and only!" He quickly replied as he stood next to him. "What are you Reading?" He asked in an attempt to make small talk.

"Some book for my Ethnic Studies class," he closed the book and picked up his bag off the floor, "I'm about to go to our usual hang-out spot wanna come with me?"

"Sure!" He was relieved that he didn't have to ask to tag along.

"Okay!" Tails guided him into a hallway with a staircase at the end of it, "So... do you know how the schedule works yet?"

"I have a rough understanding of it..?" Sonic nervously smiled. Silver had explained it to him but he didn't really understand it.

"Want me to explain?"

"Please do—"

"We have all 8 classes on Mondays... On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we have 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th period and on Wednesdays and Fridays we have 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th!"

"Ohhh.. that makes sense- thanks!"

They both walked up the steps and only spotted Rouge, Knuckles, and Blaze. Tails waved and Sonic did the same.

Sonic and Tails sat at the table they'd been seated on before and quickly resumed their previous conversation.

"Do you have your schedule on you?" Tails asked,

"Yeah! Hold on.." Sonic pulled out a small index card from his jacket and handed it to him.

"Cool, we have the same first period!" Tails announced, as he handed the index card back to Sonic

"Really? I don't think I saw you yesterday??"

"Oh no, I came in late yesterday!" He chuckled and Sonic did too.

Tails pulled out a bag of chips and split it with Sonic, they both ate quietly with a few interruptions here and there for questions.

After a little while of sitting there, he hears Rouge speak,

"Oh, by the way," Rouge started,

Sonic turned around to face her, unsure of if she was actually talking to him or not. Luckily Rouge was looking straight at him.

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