Chapter 5

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Sonic sat in his living room, the moonlight peeking through the curtains as he laid quietly on his couch.

He'd grown used to being alone yet the quiet still managed to unsettle him.

He could hear his phone frantically buzzing from his coffee table and he eventually sat up & picked up his phone. He watched as the messages quickly stacked on top of each other before finally opening the messages, having grown tired of hearing the constant buzzing despite having his phone on 'do not disturb.'

A few minutes passed,

then a few hours,

He was holding atleast 3 different conversations with his new friends and while it definitely wasn't something he was used to he found it entertaining. He no longer felt tired despite how late it was.

Eventually, one by one, they began to fall asleep, leaving him wide-awake and alone.

He set his phone down, his sleepiness barely seeping in.

Buz Buzz

He immediately sat up, absolutely exhausted but determined to reply to whatever message he'd just received.

?: 'Sonic?'

It was an unknown number, it was also a direct message.

He sighed, 'Am I going to have to change my number? Again?' Was the first thing that came to mind. It sucked, but the person on the other end already knew his name so what was the point in saying otherwise?

S: 'This is him!'

They were taking a while to respond, a few more minutes passed and Sonic figured he might as well get the conversation moving since he was tired and longed to be on his bed but refused to go to sleep before responding.

S: 'Who's this?'

?: 'Shadow.'

He did recognize the name but didn't quite know who it was. He thought about it, and eventually came to the realization that it was the same guy he'd met at the cafe not too long ago.

S: 'Oh hey!!! What'd you need?'

Shadow: 'I just wanted to ask if you knew
where to get the enrollment papers.

S: 'Enrollment?'

'What for?'

Shadow: 'School.'

S: 'I don't really know how to explain'


'If you'd like I can show you where to get
it! FYI you have to come on campus to
file the enrollment papers!'

Shadow: 'That'll work. thanks.'

S: 'See you tomorrow!'

Shadow: 'Goodnight.'

He turned off his phone before placing it down on his coffee table. No longer tired as he stood up. He sighed, there was no point in trying to fall asleep, given that it's 2 am and if he were to fall asleep he'd have to wake up 3 hours later wich would most likely make him even more tired.

He walked toward the kitchen and began to prepare his lunch, he's hardly ever hungry but figured that Tails would force him to eat something regardless so he might as well bring something. The cafeteria food wasn't bad but that didn't mean he wanted to eat it.

'Maybe I can bring some for Tails..' he mused as he entered the kitchen, turning on the lights in the process, 'he could use a break from the cafeteria food.'

He quickly made Spagetti, making sure that there would be enough to last him atleast til the end of the week before setting some aside in a container to bring for lunch.

He looked up at his clock, barely any time had passed.

He sighed.

He walked out of the kitchen, into the hallway, up the stairs, and into his bedroom. He wasn't sleepy so he figured he'd just take a shower and get ready for school, maybe do a few extra pages in his Algebra Textbook.


As he walked out of the restroom covered in only a towel he saw the sun brightly shining through one of his windows, 'i don't remember leaving that open last night..?' he sighed as he walked up to the window, 'maybe I just forgot to close it, I was downstairs all night so that must've been it!'

He closed the curtain and quickly dried out his quills while pulling out a velvety top and long baggy pants along with his signature red sneakers from his closet.

Even though the sun was out it was still 4 am meaning he had more than enough time to relax before school.

As he made his way downstairs he heard someone loudly knocking at his front door, 'who could it be at this hour..?' he shuffled his way downstairs, quickly trying to put on his sneakers before openening the door, 'is opening the door really even a smart idea??' he thought as he pulled his hand away from the door knob and quickly looked through the peep hole.

Maybe the lack of sleep was really starting to get to him.

Noone was at his doorstep, the only thing he saw was the cat he would occasionally care for when it's owners are out of town but it was way to far to have of knocked and even then the cat was far too lazy to do much of anything much less knock on his door wich would of been hard to make so loud regardless of—

And then he woke up.

As it turned out he'd passed out shortly after changing into today's outfit, he could hear the knocking coming from downstairs. He quickly stood up, grabbed a white zip up hoodie, and grabbed one of the other empty crossbody bags he had before racing downstairs, phone and charger in hand with his headphones and brush in another.

It was his neighbor, a middle-aged women who was only a little bit taller than he was.

"There you are!" she smiled at him and handed him a small container filled with pancakes, "here I prepared breakfast for you, now hurry before your late." she urged, tugging on his bag and pushing him out the door.

"Ah- thank you Vanilla!" he smiled and handed her the keys to his home. Vanilla was in charge of keeping his house clean and would sometimes occupy his spare bedroom when she didn't have enough time to drop off her daughter Cream at school.

He waved goodbye and sped off without another word.

A few minutes later and he heard the bell ring as he waited outside for Shadow to arrive. He'd taken the day off and only brought a small bag to carry his things and the lunch he packed Tails. He figured he was all caught up and genuinely wanted to help Shadow fill out the paperwork. Though he had his agent fill it out for him when he first applied he thought Shadow would probably appreciate his company as he filled out the mountains of paperwork he'd have to complete to re-entoll.


I haven't had the motivation to write the chapters for this story in quite a while but now I do! Sorry this chapter is shorter than usual but I just really wanted to publish something after realizing JUST how long I left this alone for- other than that I'm thinking of starting to add POV's to the story from here on out, let me know what you guys think!
- Zee

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