11: the captains POV

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[Luffys POV]

"What happened Luffy." Chopper asked me, as he scurried around the room to mend my wounds.

After (Y/N) disappeared, I looked everywhere for her. My mind completely on one thing and one thing only. To find her and bring her back to safety.

"Chopper, they took her." I said, on the brink of tears. "They took her and I couldn't do anything about it!"

I got up, punched the wall roughly and dropped to my knees. My hands over my face as I tried not to cry.

Why does my chest feel like it's about to rip open?

After the loud commotion boomed in choppers office, Nami and Ussop entered the room quickly, making sure things were okay in here.

"What the hell was that!" Ussop commented upon entering the room.

I ignored him, a small tear escaping my eye. Why am I crying? Why does this hurt as much as when Ace passed away. She's may not even be dead!

"Luffy," Nami quietly said, coming to my side. "What's up with you?"

"I couldn't protect her!" I cried out, punching the floor repeatedly.

"Luffy, the rest of the crew is out looking for (Y/N). We will find her." Ussop said softly and confidently.

"No! I already looked around the whole island! They took her! We need to save her!" I yelled standing up. I stopped and took a deep breath in. My eyes welling up with more tears as I whispered, "I can't lose her."

Nami smiled softly at me, coming closer and putting an arm on my shoulder. She looked me in my water filled eyes.

"What do you feel like around her?" Nami asked, I stopped crying for a moment, cocking my head to the side in question.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Like, do you feel weird or different around (Y/N)." She asked again. I thought about it. I feel overprotective of her. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'll do anything for my crew but she was different. My heart would beat loudly against my chest whenever I was in close proximity as her. My body would feel extra warm. My mind would go blank and my hands would sweat. I thought it was because she had some sort of secret power but it seems no one else feels this.

"My mind goes into a sort of blank frenzy when I'm near her. My heart beat increases the closer she is to me. My body starts to sweat anytime I come in contact with her. I don't know why," I paused and thought about what happened right before she was captured.

The rage I felt when that random dude was hitting on her. It doesn't bother me when Sanji does it but this random dude. It just really bothered me. And what happened in the alley way, I couldn't really explain it. She looked so beautiful standing there, and he lips looked inviting. I just had the biggest urge to press my lips to hers. I don't even know why but I don't know that means I wanted to kiss her.

"I almost kissed her." I blurted out. Nami, Chopper and Ussop eyes all going wide, mouths hung open.

"You know what kissing is?" Ussop asked, completely in shock.

"Well yeah," I said nodding. "Ace told me all about it."

"Luffy," Nami asked stepping closer, a smirk plastered on her face. "Do you like her?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Of course I do. She's my nakama."

Nami laughed and shook her head. "No. Do you like-like her. Like as in love."

I paused, stiff as a board hearing this. Is this way I'm feeling? Is this why I wanted to kiss her?

"Nami, I think I do," I said, my mind go a thousand miles per minute. "I'm not the smartest when it comes to this. I know that. But I really love being near her. I love the contact. I love her smile. Her laugh. Her eyes, her face. Her hair-"

"Okay Luffy we get it," Chopper cut me off at my rambling.

A slow smile started to grow wider on my face. My heart feeling like it erupted into a million butterflies fluttering around.

"I love her..." I whispered out. I giggled loudly.

"I love her!" I yelled out. Happiness coursing through me at this new found feeling and confession.

"Awe," Nami gushed. "Luffy, this is so sweet. I'm so happy for you!" I laughed at her response.

"Congrats man." Ussop said patting my back. Chopper giggled at my confession, cheering as well. "Didn't think you were capable of love."

Nami smacked Ussop upside the head, causing Ussop to yelp out loud.

"We need to find her," I stated, my fist clenching. "We will make that guy pay for taking her away from us. From me."

Nami, Chopper and Ussop looked over at eachother, nervously frowning at eachother over the defiant deadly aura that surrounded me.

"We will do whatever it takes!" Chopper said confidently.

Where did this bastard take you (Y/N)?


I can't lose you.


After the conversation the 4 of them had in Choppers office, the rest of the crew came back, heads down in defeat. No sign of (Y/N).

The news of this made me burst out in rage, punching the ground repeatedly making Franky yell at me about hurting the ship. My mind was clouded with 'what ifs'.

I can't lose her now! After I just finally confessed to myself and a few others about how I felt about her. This new found feeling even I wasn't even sure on. But I knew I loved her. And I knew she would be the one to help me become the pirate king.

With her by my side, there was no stopping me.

Which is why I need to find her!

"Luffy," Sanji said, pulling a cigarette out of his picking, putting it to his lips and lighting it. Taking a deep drag from his lips, before exhaling with a puff of smoke surrounding us. "I can't promise you we will find her unharmed. But I can promise you one thing. We will find her."

My crew around me cheering at Sanjis words, making me feel a bit better about the situation. The love of the crew was unbeatable. We were family after all.

"I might be able to do some research on this guy with the books I have," Robin smiled gently at me.

"Really? Thank you Robin! Thank you everyone." I said, smiling at my friends.

"No need to thank us," Zoro said from the corner. "She is one of us."

She is one of us.

And she's mine.


Switching it up with Luffy's POV!

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I fell for the rubber boy [Luffy x Reader]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum