5: Morning after and her first island

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"Mmmmmm, fuck," I groaned as I turned around in bed, snuggling deeper into the sheets. My head was pounding, and my stomach was turning. I shouldn't have drank so much.

Wait, what happened last night, where am I. I jolted up in bed, instantly regretting it as my head felt like a brick was smashed into it. I took around and realized this was my room, it was a plain and dark colored room. I peeked down at the sheets. Black sheets. I then realized this wasn't my shirt. I gasped. I was in only a big t-shirt. What the hell happened to my clothes. What was I doing last night.

"Ugh," I grumbled, holding my head. I regret my actions. I heard a ruffle from the right side of the room on the ground. My eyes widened and I turned my eyes to look down at a certain boy named Zoro. I screamed.

Zoro's eyes popped wide open as he jumped up, obviously very startled from my immense scream. "What the hell woman." He screamed angrily. I looked him up and down. He was wearing nothing but shorts. His chest completely exposed.

God damn this man is looking yummy.

"I uh- what. I'm sorry uh-" I mumbled, obviously very distraught and embarrassed. Wait. I'm wearing nothing but a t-shirt. His t-shirt. And he's wearing just shorts. Did we f-

"No we didn't, if that's what you're thinking." Zoro muttered, sitting down in his make shift bed in the floor. Crossing his legs and starring up at me. I instantly started to blush. "You came into my room, very drunk and I just uh-made sure you were okay." He blushed looking down.

"Oh," I replied. An awkward silence filled the room as we just stared at anything but each other. "Thanks-" I was trying to say to break the silence until I was rudely interrupted.

"(Y/N), I heard you scream, are you okay?" A voice yelled, barging into the room. There stood our captain, looking startled to see us both in Zoros room. Me wearing nothing but his shirt and Zoro shirtless. This definitely looked bad. "Oh." Luffy muttered, looking at me, then at Zoro. A darken aura surrounded him. He glared slightly at Zoro.

I jumped up, putting my hands in the air. "It's not what it looks like Luffy," I shook my head frantically. "Zoro helped me because I was super drunk."

Luffy perked up slightly. Finally breaking the glare at Zoro and looking at me. "Oh okay." He giggled. Zoro turned his head, turning once again bright pink and muttered to himself.

"Well, I'm going to shower," Zoro said. Standing up and grabbed his shower stuff. He walked to his door, giving Luffy a weird look before turning his head to me. "There's water and food next to you. You clothes are also folded on the other side of the bed for you." He said seriously before exiting the room, shutting the door behind him.

Zoro is so sweet.

And yummy.

Stop it (Y/N)!

My eyes peeled away from the door and to Luffy who was just starring at me. Luffy looked down and his cheeks turned pink. I cocked my head to the side before looking down and realizing my freaking shirt was tucked into my underwear.

Why me!!!!!!!

Embarrassed, I quickly fixed my shirt and nervously laughed which caused the straw hat boy to break out of his trance. He starred at me before breaking out into a huge smile, laughing. Back to Luffy.

"Hehehehe, I want you to wear my clothes (Y/N)." He said approaching me. Grabbing my hand and dragging me to the door.


I couldn't even formed a single word as Luffy dragged me out of Zoros room and into his own room. Letting go and starting to search his closet frantically, throwing shorts and shirts behind him. Almost pelting me with some of it.

I fell for the rubber boy [Luffy x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now