8: and the training begins

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It's been 2 whole weeks since I ate a devil fruit. I've been trying to just process everything and learn the ways of being a pirate since I had joined their crew. It hasn't been easy, processing everything. Everyone has been so amazing and understanding of my absence from socializing. I've mainly been in my room, sleeping to writing. accompanied by chopper, Luffy and Ussop mainly. Occasionally Sanji or Nami. I haven't really talked to the rest.

Unfortunately for me, today I agreed to start my training. With Robin and Zoro. I have been scared to see Zoro, he's been acting weird ever since the night he came into my room. He's usually quiet but he's been unusually quiet for himself.

Robin had told me it would probably take awhile to control my powers, or even learn how to work them.

I have learned more about my fruit, since I've been researching everything about it. Thinking the research would ease my mind but it definitely did not. I've learned that there's been a few people to have digested this fruit, but they didn't last more than 2 months with it. As they were captured and killed. Luffy comforted me after this found, but it still scared the shit out of me. Still does actually.

I've also learned more about the powers of the fruit. I'm able to see into the future by ten minutes to manipulate the outcome of a something by activating my powers. Manipulating meaning I can see what's going to happen, and try to change it. Not only can I manipulate death but also life meaning to a certain extent, and for a short period of time I can control someones mind and take over their soul. It comes with a great cost thought, every minute I use that part of my power, it takes a year off my life. 

scary, right?

Deciding it was time to get out of bed and shower for once, I threw my legs out of the covers and stood up. I grabbed an outfit suitable for training and a towel and headed to the women's bathroom. Turning the water on so it was hot enough, I stripped from my sweat covered clothing.

Until someone bursted into the bathroom.

"(Y/N), aren't you excited to train today! I am! Although I wish they would've let me be the one training you-" Luffy started rambling until I squeaked, grabbing my towel to cover my private areas.

"Luffy! What the hell!" Looking up at him, he had a weird expression on his face, staring at me. His eyes started to travel from my face, down to my boobs, and then a little past that-


"Ow ow ow!," Luffy grunted, holding his face. "What was that for!"

"As you obviously saw, I'm naked!" I yelled, my cheeks turning bright red. Luffy turned around muttering an apology but the slight pink hue to his cheeks didn't go unnoticed. He quickly scurried out of the door, slamming it behind him. 


Red as a beet, I hoped into the shower letting the water fall down my face as I just stood staring at the shower wall. How troublesome. 


"(Y/N), are you ready?" Robin asked, approaching me. I nodded a soft smile playing on my lips. She grinned before turning towards the training room, assuming I would follow her.

As we entered, I spotted Zoro in the corner lifting weights.



Shut up (Y/N) you freaking horn ball.

I wondered how luffy would look shirtless...


I fell for the rubber boy [Luffy x Reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora