2: the pirates who saved her life

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"Is she breathing," I heard a girl voice speak. I couldn't move my body, I couldn't open my eyes and I couldn't speak. But I could hear there was people around me. Am I in heaven?

"Yes, she has a weak pulse but it's still there." Said a high pitched cute voice. Did I actually die? What is going on? Shouldn't I be able to move if I was in heaven?

"Maybe since she's unconscious we can see her panties," a man's voice boomed with excitement. It was short followed by a loud crash.

"You idiot! Stop being a perv!" The girl voice sounded again. My panties? Why in the hell does he want to see my panties? Do I even have panties on? I hope I do. Wait, am I naked right now?

I could hear the group of people talking among themselves but I still couldn't tell what was happening. I don't remember what happened. I just remember the big wave and then everything was black. There's no way I survived that. Right?

"She's pretty beat up guys, she's going to need a lot of rest and medicine. And hopefully she'll wake up eventually." The cute high pitched voice said. I heard some rumbling around and then a door close. And with that, I drifted back into blackness.


I was again awake. But still unable to move or speak. And I heard more voices, but they were different this time.

"She really is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!" A male voice sounded. Flattered, but I'm sure that is absolutely not true. I heard a smack noise and the male voice yelp in pain.

"Shut up, you stupid cook. You say that about every girl you see." A deeper males voice commented. Who are these people? Am I really alive? How did I manage to survive? I must have some superpowers or something. Maybe I'm a mermaid?

"Can it, mosshead." The guy grumbled. I wish I could call out to these people or move or do anything to tell them I'm alive and I can hear them. But nothings happening when I try.

I tried to wiggle my fingers or move my toes, but I couldn't feel anything. Why do I feel like this? Why am I conscious by my body isn't?

And once again, my body falls back into nothing but blackness.


"Sanjiiii, can you get me some meat!" A excited boy yelled as a heard a door open. I was once again awake but couldn't move. I heard footsteps move to he other side of me. Who's is Sanji?

"Cant you get it yourself rubber boy?" The man apparently named Sanji said. Rubber boy? Was that supposed to be an insult because that sucked!

"But I'm hungryyyyyy! Need meat," The boy said. This guy must love his meat. I giggled in my head. "Uh chopper, did you giggle or was that the lifeless girl." The meat lover asked confused. I heard a scream and crash. Wait, did I giggle out loud?! I felt my body start to feel back to normal as I started to flutter my eyes open. A bright light was blinding my vision. I blinked a few times, my sight was very blurry. I groaned and clutched my head. It was ponding in pain.

"Hey, don't try and move beautiful!" Sanji said. "You have some pretty serious injuries." I muttered incoherent words as I tried to sit to get a better look at my surrounds. I was sat up on a table, with medical supplies surrounding it. There was 3 people standing there, a boy with curly eyebrows and blonde hair. Dressed in a black suit. The other boy was smiling from ear to ear, he had on a straw hat. And the third guy...

"AHHHHHH! What the hell?" I screamed, suddenly startled by the creature in front of me. It was a talking raccoon! "Why is there a talking raccoon?!"

"I'm not a raccoon! I'm a blue nose reindeer!" Exclaimed the creature. He was actually pretty cute. I reached out and pinched his cheeks. He smack my hand away and I giggled.

I fell for the rubber boy [Luffy x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now