Chapter 60 - His reasons

Start from the beginning

 You would have to be able to hold back your emotions first before-

 "What are you doing, Neuvillette...?"

 Just what is it that you wish to accomplish?

 Why stop the rain?


 "Are you hiding it from Duke Wriothesely?"

 Do you...

 "Do you want to convince him that you do not care? That you feel nothing?"

 There was a short silence. He looked deep into my eyes and said:

 "Is there a reason for me to hide anything from the Duke of Meropide? I also don't seem to see why I would be required to convince him of anything."

 Like his eyes, his voice too was void of any emotion.

 It was as if...

 As if...

 As if he truly did not care.

 "Please don't do this..."

 Please don't go this far, Neuvillette.

 "You were so happy with him. You considered him your mate-"

 "Duke Wriothesely had never been and never will be my mate." He said emotionlessly.


 "Why are you doing this, Neuvillette?!"


 Just why?!

 I could feel the tears streaming down my face, his figure getting slightly blurry.

 "Why are you doing this to yourself?! Why are you doing this to him?! Aren't you the one who always tells me to be careful of what I say because the human heart is a fragile thing?!"

 That seemed to do something.

 "Fragile... Fragile indeed."

 A small smile surfaced on his face, not reaching his eyes.

 "The human heart may be fragile and easy to break, but it can heal with time."

 That small smile...

 It seemed to contain so much pain.

 "Now leave, Furina."



 I won't!

 Not when you're like this!

 I'm not leaving you like this!

 "You can't do this! Not to yourself. Not to him! Don't you see how this is hurting both of you?!"

 "There is no such thing as both of us, Furina."

 "He is you mate!"

 "I've already told you that he's not."



 "Dragon's mate for life and it's for a reason, damn it! You should know better than anyone the consequences of abandoning your mate!"

 He sighed deeply, rubbing the space between his brows. Finally, when he looked at me again, he was looking at me like I was some unruly child throwing a tantrum

 "Your worries are unnecessary. Since I never had a mate, any problems that would arise from abandoning one are of no consequence to me."

 "Oh? Then you wouldn't mind if I found another dragon to introduce him to, right? Aren't there seven of you? One down, six to go!" I retorted.

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