Chapter 8 : Why ?

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Sneha felt like her mind had been hijacked. She was still processing what happened in the last ten minutes as she struggled to jog in heels while looking for Mahir. The way he reacted had both worried yet thrilled her — however crazy that sounded. She didn't like the way Kabir so lightly dismissed the guy's misbehave with her. And Mahir's outburst — no matter how dangerous it was — was the one she wanted for herself. Every girl deserved a guy who can't stand anyone misbehaving with her and does everything to protect her honour.

‘God Mahir where are youuuu ?’ - she thought anxiously as even after walking for long on the pavement, she was unable to find him.

The fact that her mind didn't even scold her at thinking about Mahir as ‘her guy’ spoke volumes about the change within her. She had realized that it was not her feelings for Mahir that were wrong. It was Kabir who was the wrong guy. She was marrying the wrong guy. They both were not meant to be together.

Sneha turned a corner and halted in her steps as she saw Mahir walking at quite a distance ahead of her on the pavement. His quick strides and stiffined shoulders told her he still hadn't calmed down but she was relieved to see that he was okay. She ran behind him, ignoring the protest of her heels, and succeeded in catching up with him.

“Mahir...” - she panted, grabbing his forearm to stop him.

“What are you doing here ? Just leave me alone!” - he tried to free his arm without turning around but she held on tight. “Sneha...” - he warned, stopping at last but still looking ahead. His arm held by her outstretched between them.

As she caught her breathing, she tugged at his arm and made him finally turn to her. His face was a ball of fire. Eyes blazing. She had never seen him that furious ever before.

“You seem to be mistaken Miss Sneha Kashyap, Kabir left in the car.” - he taunted, holding her wrist and taking her hand off his arm. “So do me a favour and leave.”

She bit her tongue, not wanting to argue. He was already hotheaded and was enraged at the moment, it would not do to rile him up further.

“I won't. Either we both will go home or we both are staying here as long as you want to.” - she stated, crossing her arms.

He gave out a frustrated growl and ran his hand through his hair. Sneha gasped, her heart sinking.

“Mahir your knuckles are bleeding!” - she cried out, grabbing his hand in hers. Her heart gave a sharp tease of pain.

“I don't care.” - he said, taking his hand back.

She glared at him, her patience snapping. Stepping closer, she grabbed his collar and stared deadly into his eyes. “But I do. And we are leaving for home. Right. Now.”

He exhaled sharply through his nose, his left eyebrow arching challengingly. But he didn't know if he was stubborn, then she could be too. She left his collar and grabbed his hand instead, interlacing their fingers together. He tried to get his hand free but she was gripping it for dear life.

“Taxi!” - she outstretched her arm to stop the passing by cabs. One crossed by without response but the next heard her call and stopped by the pavement in front of them. “Malabar Hill ?” - she addressed the driver who nodded his head and asked to get seated.

She ignored Mahir's protests and dragged him with her inside the taxi before the driver started driving.

“Bhaiyya, stop at some pharmacy. I have to buy icepacks.” - she requested the driver who agreed.

Mahir had stopped struggling by now. Their joined hands resting in her lap while he looked out the window like a grumpy child.

The driver stopped at a pharmacy store and on Sneha's request, went to buy icepacks and returned soon after.

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