The Coronation

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I was discharged from hospital after 2 weeks of rest and recuperation. During my time in hospital I was briefed on the chancellor's activities And some recent discoveries. I learned that the chancellor was more traitorous then I had assumed. He had actually been working with the republics foreign minister both he and the chancellor had wanted a great empire that would surpass the allied kingdom and they knew that a war was their best chance to hide suspicion. The republic minister was stabbing his government in the back by often interfering in military decisions subtly which resulted in thousands of republic soldiers being sent to their deaths. Then their was the Dacia incident apparently they wanted the imperial southern lands but got curb stomped instead by the southern forces. Then their was my input on his attempt to kill me. Despite all this I knew we could not just arrest him without concrete proof I wanted the war to end and Vogel had covered his tracks well. But I knew that the allies won't listen unless I can show hardcore proof of what the chancellor and the republic foreign minister were doing. 

Regardless a comfort to me was the empires loyalty to me. During my two weeks in hospital the people of the empire sent me mountains of get well gifts whether it be flowers toys and even wine even though I don't drink wine or alcohol the gestures were still appreciated. Eventually General Zettour assigned a small squad of soldiers Under Mia's command to watch my room and to slow down the tidal wave of gifts cause I was running out of room in My hospital quarters to put them. 

When I was discharged I was brought to a  limo and escorted to the imperial palace where I would live out the rest of my days. The palace had been kept surprisingly tidied a praise that i awarded to the servants who had remained at the palace even after my family had mostly been killed and I had disappeared. The Brightside of being the empress was that I did not have to do much I was mostly a figurehead with minor powers. However they were important duties. I could appoint the chancellor or dismiss him but it had to be under reasonable grounds. I could appoint an imperial council who would monitor the country for me , and perform knighting ceremonies. 

That night I slept better than I had in weeks and I was informed that My coronation would be held On December 17th 1924 which should also be the date we have Dacia under control.

(December 10th 1924).

To say a coronation was big deal would be an understatement the empire prided itself on throwing enormously huge coronations and this was the first one seen in 40 years since my father was crowned emperor.

"Mein Kaiserin I wanted to know if you wanted to be seen in a dress or the traditional military uniform of your ancestors." My tailor inquires with a bow. I could tell she wanted me to say dress but I preferred Military uniforms anyways and it was tradition and it would pay respect to my ancestors.

"I will wear the uniform. It is tradition after all and I wish to pay respect to my ancestors of the past I hope You understand my request." I said as politely a si could

"Of course Empress I am at your command." She says with a bow as she hurries out of the throne room. 

After about 3 hours of sitting on the throne I wanted some exercise so I went to the palace gardens and did a light jog followed by some marksmanship practice.  

As I was completing another lap a young guard ran up to me and hastily knelt.

"What is it." I asked as I slowed down in front of him.

"Your majesty General Zettour is here. He says He would like to brief you on the war effort."

"Very well tell him I will be right there." I say gesturing for him to rise and do as I requested.

It took me 30 minutes to put on a uniform and return to the throne room where I saw Zettour near a table with some maps on it. 

"Empress." He says with a firm salute.

'At ease General. What are the situations on the front." I ask as I approach the table

"They are stable we have gained a few miles here on the western front. However a new offensive by the entente Has forced us to divert resources again. Fortunately the entente is incompetent and did not break through however their mage are giving us some troubles. I wanted to know your opinion on these issues." 

I began to glance over the map looking at the fronts an dour troop formations and I knew that we had to breakthrough somewhere. then as I was glancing over The entente I noticed something that made the gears in my head click.

"I know how we can win a swift victory. "I begin as I point to a port on the map. 

"Empress that is the orse Fjord its the most heavily defended position in the entente." He says looking slightly worried.

"I know General That's why an offensive there is perfect. You see the entente's army is weak and not anywhere near as well equipped as our northern army and it is also numerically small. I will train a special mage battalion that will be used to take care of the Fjord's defenses and We can ahve it collaborate with an offensive by the northern army."

Zettour seemed to consider my words before smiling." I will make sure you get the finest recruits and what you choose to do with them Is yours to decide mein Kaiserin." 

(December 17th 1924).

Today was the day. It was strange when I was reincarnated I never believed I would stand here. I was determined to be the greatest leader in imperial history and Lead it to an age of prosperity never seen before. 

I had worn a dress uniform similar to a general the only differences were my black cape and the shoulder epaulets as well as my silver and gold Pickelhaube and the fact that the uniform was white it was insisted on because of my nickname to the people during my time in the army white silver.

As I approached the front of the procession I saw numerous faces that I recognized. There were many generals who I did not know but I recognized Zettour , Rudersdorf , handler. I Immediately saw Visha and mia in dresses which they looked fantastic in I also saw the 75th mage company with them as well.

"Tanya von berun Do you take it upon yourself to lead teh empire in faithfulness to god and love to your people. 

"I do." While I personally did not worship Being X I knew many others in the empire did so I would swallow my pride for the sake of my countrymen. 

"Do you take it upon yourself to be the protector and leader of the realm and its colonies as well as defender of their rights and freedoms."

"I do 

"Very well. I know place this crown upon your head and name you Empress Tanya Von berun the 1st. May your reign be long prosperous and honorable. 

When the crown was placed on my head the cheers were deafening with many of the soldiers giving salute and singing the national anthem.

As I looked at teh crowed And saw my comrades my brothers and sisters my fellow imperial I knew that this was the empire and I would do everything I could to defend it to the death and I would lead us out of this conflict to either victory or peace.

AUTHORS NOTES: sorry it has been a while since i Updated i have been very busy with my personal life but I hope you all enjoyed it.

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