Operation Nightmare

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(western command) Pov Tanya


The general was holding my proposal I had written up about a week ago.

"This proposal Lieutenant I'm curious how you believe we can win the war in the west since This paper shows me that you are clearly not as fierce as your reputation claims and what do you know about military command."

I knew I was in a tight spot if I did not offer a solution I would face the firing squad for cowardice. 

"I know it doesn't seem decisive or fierce it is however if I may explain why I proposed it perhaps you can see my point of view being a front line officer." I said Still saluting.

"Very well explain." 

Noticing an intelligence report on his desk i inquired what it was. I learned it was a intel report about republic loses on the Rhine.

"Sir look at the report have you noticed that the republic has suffered more losses in the last week then they have in the earlier months."

"What is your point lieutenant."

feeling a little frustrated and annoyed with the old general I pointed out to him where we could win.

"If we tricked them with a false report that says our forces are weakest here." I said circling the point on teh front where my company was and the 17th division." BY tricking them into concentrating on that point we can tarp them using a pincer maneuverer." 

The generals look of skepticism suddenly turned into a smile as he realized my plan.  

"I see such a blow would allow us to gain ground and using mages we can guard our advance till the rest of the army can advance and fill the rest of the front line." 

I felt impressed with his insight and immediately took back the negative things I thought about him command clearly picked a smart rational individual to command the western army.

"Yes sir indeed." 

"You know lieutenant I think we may have got off on the wrong foot when you came here and our initial discussion." Pulling out an envelope form his des and handing it to me ."let me make it up to you." He said with a proud expression on his face. 

As I Opened the envelope its contents made me almost jump for joy. IT contained the necessary paperwork promoting me to captain. 

"I had this in my desk for a while after I learned about your exploits as a mage commander and I felt this would be more then reward enough for helping me plan our next great push." 

"You honor me sir." I Say while snapping to a salute. 

As I tuned to leave one detail couldn't leave my head about our planning. " when are we launching the plan sir and  what's its name?"

" we will be attacking in 4 months and it shall be known as operation nightmare. The enemy won't even know what hit them."

(republic HQ).

General de lugo sat back in his chair gazing out his window admiring the scenery. The republic would soon usurp its rival the empire and establish itself as a great world power again that was the dream of de lugo and hundreds of other republicans. His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of his aid colonel Bientot

"Sir report from the front."

Reading: General de lugo we intercepted several imperial transmissions that were discussing troop movements along the left and right wings to reinforce them. we believe the empire is about to launch a massive attack that could be aimed to encircle us sir. what are your orders? 

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