Meeting the General

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(Unified year November 1923) Pov Tanya 

It has been 4 months since I came to the Rhine battle front and it is quite literally an active graveyard both sides being the grim reaper. The lack of logic on this particular battlefront is painfully obvious for example. The republics numerous charges are definitely similar to the French's doctrine from the world war of my old life a complete waste of human resources. The worst part is the empire has also done it's own fair share of these suicide charges and now thousands of men lay dead on the gray of no mans land. 

I decided after  a routine patrol to write a proposal for western command about the failure and inefficiency of charges. If I could convince them to put a halt on those operations then we won't be draining manpower as quickly. However i ahve to make it sound brave and bold or else I'm screwed. 

Dear General Halder: I am 1st lieutenant Tanya Degurechauf mage for the imperial army commander of the 75th mage company with the 17th infantry division. I am writing this proposal for you to request that you and the rets of your staff consider the following inefficiencies of charge attacks I have them listed below. I hope you will see that this doctrine will not win us the war in the west not by a long shot. 

point 1: the charges have no adequate protection: even with our artillery observers and mages we can't provide suitable protection for our infantry men and as a result we are being drained significantly on the front lines. Artillery while a great tool to defend against attacks is not very accurate especially if the mages have been unable to knockout the enemy's artillery. 

Point 2: lack of communication: officers especially ground based ones cannot communicate with their men especially when they are charging into a hail of bullets and being pounded by artillery. If an officer learns that of a sudden change in the enemy's position he cannot inform his men to either turn back or switch targets. 

Point 3: man power waste: The average charge uses about 5'000 men and when you account for machine guns , artillery and mages rarely will all of those men get back alive. ON average there are 8 charges ordered per day that's 40'000 men dead on average. 

In conclusion. I believe the best way for us to win on teh western battle field will not be overwhelming force via charging but playing our enemies own game. We should grind them down They use about teh same amount of man power that we do for their charges and remember the republics doctrine is the attacker doctrine trying to control a situation by attacking. We can take advantage of that mindset by using our superior mage forces and larger industrial base to keep grinding them down. When they are weak enough we then deal the hammer blow.

I thank you for your time general. Victory for the fatherland and Glory to the empire. Signed Lieutenant Tanya Degurechauf. 

it had been a week since I sent the proposal to command and I already noticed that our charge attack frequencies were happening at a lower rate then before. I was of course shocked when a major entered my command tent after I had gotten back from another stress filled mission.

"Greetings Major Ritter. I am 1st lieutenant Tanya Degurechauf reporting. "

"At ease Lieutenant I am here on behalf of General Handler he wishes to speak with you." 

(general Pov).

It was a shock to the 75th mage company when they saw a high ranking officer from western command but more shocking was seeing their commanding officer following him and flying off to who know where. 

"Where do you think they went."

"I don't know corporal. However 2nd lieutenant Dietrich went over to see what our orders would be."

Just then Lieutenant Dietrich flew over a look of shock on his face 

"What's going on Lieutenant." 

"Our commanding officer is going to western command to speak to the general of western command. Our orders our to maintain position and continue hitting republic front line positions."

(Tanya Pov).

The flight to western command was a bit long but as I looked down I saw A rather extravagant building. Is this one of the palaces for the old imperial family I Thought to myself cause if it is when I ascend the throne I will finally have that life I always dreamed of. 

"quite a sight isn't it Lieutenant." The major says while smiling.

Realizing I had been staring for far too long I immediately snapped out of it and addressed him. "Yes I was curious isn't this one of the old imperial royal family palaces?"

"It is indeed fun fact actually this was the late empresses favorite place to stay at. It was said she loved it so much cause it wasn't far from a nearby village where she frequently performed service to improve the lives of those citizens." He voice suddenly became more solemn." It's a tragedy what happened to the royal family I can only pray that our lost monarch returns to us soon."

Ah so it would appear despite their deaths I will be able to rally the military to my side. When I return to the throne I will be sure to put the military on pedestal that will put the useless politicians in their place.  I mean those good for nothing politicians threw us into a war and they will lead the empire to an age of ruin unless I save it.

Eventually we landed at western command And I was immediately rushed into the generals office.

"Welcome Lieutenant I'm glad you could join me."

"Of course sir what is it you wanted to speak to me about ?"

He then reached into his desk and pulls out a piece of paper. 


AUTHORS NOTES: Get ready for a Tanya master plan. again i do not own saga of Tanya the evil but i hope your all still enjoying this fanfic. 

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