Part one

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right now Jimin was working on something in his office when john his assistant mean secretary entered and asked him for lunch

John: you have been working nonstop boss , just rest for a bit and have your lunch at least you even skipped your breakfast today give me the file i will see through it ( john said try to convince his boss to eat something)

Jimin: its ok john i will eat after this file you don't need to worry its just few minutes work left you go and prepare for company meeting (jimin said and start working again while john just left cause what he could have even do ,and he surely didn't want Jimin to gat angry so it was best option to leave and do his own work)

after few minutes jimin finish his work and came out of his office to check on workers

Jimin: so everything is done ? (he asked)

John: yes boss just few minutes and clint will be here (john said while coming toward him)

Jimin: ok did you talk to beak ( tae's manager and best friend ) ,when they are gonna return ( jimin asked while checking the file john have completed)

John:' No boss , But ken( tae's bodyguard ) said it will take one more day cause of paris fashion weak and they will return till tomorrow evening

Jimin: ( deep sigh ) hmm , i see ( jimin said and left to meeting room)

today he had made a big project and it was quiet tiring day and the most prominent thing is he forget about his meals and surely it is the reason he has headache now

after he reached home he saw jungkook watching tv with half open eyes and he know jungkook was waiting for his arrival as he even didn't attend any call from Jung kook today

Kook: oh hy hyung , when did you arrive (kook asked when he heard footsteps and find Jimin walking toward him)

Jimin: just now , btw how was your day '

Kook: good but i miss tae , its so boring today , didn't get to annoy him ( kook said making faces)

Jimin:' ( smile ) i also miss him but its just three days he has not been with us what will you do when he get married (jimin asked teasing him)

Kook: i will stick to him everywhere ,simple

Jimin: fair enough , ( he massage his temples and let backwards on the couch)

Kook: hyung you look quiet dull and tired you on , did you have lunch ? ( jk asked little serious)

Jimin: ( shook) i _

Kook:breakfast ?

Jimin: ( shook ) i was so in work i just forget ( jimin tried to explain himself but look was really pissed)

Kook: how can you ignore meal hyung , you aren't kid why you neglect your health always , if it was tae i would have spanked him but what i should do with u ( he said sternly)

Jimin: i am fine ( he tried to calm down younger)

Kook: you are anything but fine (he said growling)

Jimin: ok ok calm down i am just going to eat

Kook: you better be hyung 😒

Jimin: fine appa now can i go take shower my head is gonna blast with pain (he said getting up)

Kook: yes go have shower i will prepare your food and if your headache didn't get ok lets go to hospital

Jimin: seriously (jimin asked disbrlievly)

Kook: yes and if you try to show tuntarm like your brother i wont mind kidnapping you to hospital
Jimin: i got it , now just prepare my food angry bunny (he said doing hands up pose and going to his room to fresh up)

Kook: come sit hyung i will serve you (he said to Jim in who obeyed him quietly )

Jimin: did you eat your dinner , (jimin asked younger)

Kook: no i was waiting for u ( he said joining Jim in on dinning table)

Kook; so how was deal ?

Jimin: it went very well , and john said tae is gonna come tomorrow

kook: i will go pick him up from airport then

Jimin: good i was also gonna say you to pick him up cause i will be busy (jimin said munching on his food)

Kook: i just wonder he ate or not , if he again start skipping his meal for some called dieting he is gonna regret (kook said being all serious)

Jimin: he won't , if i were him i would never do it again remembering last time i punish him

Kook: yeah but he is great taehyung he like to repeat

Jimin:( smile ) i can see you really missing him , did you see W korea magazine and Celine covers ,he was stunning ( jimin asked proudly)

Kook: yeah i saw , he is so expensive i can't believe he is the same boy who live with us ( he laugh)

Kook:hy its not true ,it is you who make his everything messy ( jimin said finish eating and taking his plate to sink)

Kook: its fun though( he also left the plate in sink)


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