Chapter 77: Bid Farewell

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I don't know if the Lazarus energy is here to stay or if I somehow managed to force it out despite what I was injected with but I knew how I was going to use it. I pushed myself away from Weiss and stumbled over to Blake and Yang. Yang was bleeding heavily, despite layer on top of layer of bandages and a makeshift tourniquet. If something didn't happen now, she was going to die.

I pressed my hands against Yangs stump and started drawing on the Lazarus energy. I never used it to heal someone else but hopefully it works. If it doesn't.... I just hope it does.... I poured as much into the wound as I could, watching for any sign that it was getting better. Thankfully, I did see that the blood loss was slowing exponentially. The problem was, I felt like I was running out of Lazarus energy again. 

After all these years, I still don't know hardy anything about it. Maybe it has to do with my ability to generate magic on my own. I assume that's how magic works anyway. I could very well be wrong and be grabbing for anything to explain how what I was injected with was hindering my use of the Lazarus energy. Whatever the case, Yangs arm was done bleeding. I moved over to Blake and tried to do the same but I found that I just didn't have enough. I looked at her wound and saw that it was more of a painful one instead of a fatal one. At least there's that.

I was pulled away from those two by Weiss calling out for Ruby. I looked back and saw that she was here and had her cloak in a makeshift sling. Compared to Yang, she got off easy. We all heard a roar and I saw the mother of all Grimm landing on the administration buildings tower. I had never seen a Wyvern in person before, but it has to be the biggest Grimm there is. It was then that I knew that we had lost. If something like that was attracted, Cinder got everything she wanted. I looked back at Blake, needing a answer before it was too late. 

Red Hood: Where is Tauras?

Blake: We.... We were in that cafeteria.... I'm sorry....

Red Hood: You've got nothing to be sorry for....

I stood up, leaving Blake with Yang. There were medics filing around the area, loading people into Bullheads. It would be their turn soon enough. I walked, or rather, limped to Weiss and Ruby. It was taking everything I had to stay upright. 

Red Hood: Ruby-

Ruby: Don't worry, I'm fine.... For the most part.... What's going on?

Weiss and I looked at each other before we looked back at Ruby. I stepped to the side and let her see Yang and Blake laid out on the ground. She stared at Yangs missing arm before looking down at her own. Probably thinking the same that I did. Sun walked over to us. He was unhurt aside from a few cuts and bruises. 

Sun: Glad to see your alright, guys.

Red Hood: Same. What are they doing?

Sun: The soldiers have a few ships getting ready to get us back to Vale. 

Red Hood: Good. You guys will be safe.... I still got business to take care of....

Ruby: What!?

Weiss: You can barely stand!

Red Hood: Don't matter.

Sun: Y/N, that giant Grimm keeps circling the school! Hell, even the White Fang are pulling out! We have to go, now come on. 

I gritted my teeth knowing that Taurus was already gone then. I wouldn't be getting him tonight. Cinder on the other hand was fair game. I complied and started helping everyone onto the Bullhead. Pyrrha stuck close to me, picking up Blake while I got Yang. 

Pyrrha: We're not seriously going to leave, are we?

Red Hood: You are. I'm not. 

Pyrrha: Your going to get yourself killed. 

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