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I had to go home, Jack was about to go on his first roadtrip of the season, and I had no other place to go. He'd told me I could stay at his place still, but it didn't feel right, and I would feel even more on edge being alone. And so, I had to go back to my own apartment.

Faye was excited, she'd missed having me there and said it was weird without me, that, and she missed my cooking. The girl couldn't cook to save her life.

I'm not sure why, but I had a pit in my stomach at the thought of going back home. Maybe it was the fact that Reid knew where I lived, or the fact that he'd stolen an intimate moment from me that I'd never get back. Either way, I didn't want to go home. For Jack to leave. To be left to fend for myself.

Granted, I hadn't received a text since, so maybe he'd stopped?

Jack was hesitant to drop me back to my apartment, I could tell, his hand was dripping the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles were turning white, and he hadn't said a word all morning.

We'd woken up together, still completely undressed from the events of the night before, and what had happened last night, had resumed this morning. It felt good to be with Jack again. It felt like home. He felt like home.

He pulled up to my complex, and I turned to him with a frown. "I don't want you to leave."

He sighed, staring straight ahead. "I know, baby."

"Can't I come with you?" I pouted, yanking on the sleeve of his hoodie.

He turned to me with a smirk. "I wish you could, but you know I'm not allowed to bring my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" I perked up, eyes hopeful and heart thundering in my chest.

He smirked. "You tell me, pretty girl."

And suddenly, he was kissing me again, his hands cupping my cheeks and his quiet moans making me want to stay in this moment forever. I pulled away, resting my forehead against his as I sighed sadly, not wanting to get out of his car.

"I love you, Jack," I whispered, brushing my nose against his.

He smiled, pressing one last peck to my lips. "I love you, Lyla."

I blinked back tears, not because Jack was leaving for a few days, but because I was worried what might happen while he was across the country. I couldn't contact him while he was on flights or playing, couldn't go to him when I was afraid, couldn't see him.

Jack was my safe place and he wouldn't be here.

"Okay," I said, letting out a shaky breath. "I'll see you next Thursday?"

"I'll pick you up first thing, sweetheart," he told me, winking. I blushed at the gesture, forgetting how gorgeous he was and how he could make me feel like a mess with something as simple as a wink.

Closing his car door, I walked up towards the entrance to my building, my heart thundering against my ribs. Jack drove off, though he didn't want to, looking back in the rear view mirror at me as I made my way up the nine flights of stairs, having forgotten how much of a bitch this was to do every day.

By the time I made it to my floor, I was sweating and my legs were burning. How the heck did I do this before? Now that I was accustomed to Jack's elevator accessible apartment, I wasn't used to actually having to do physical exercise.

My apartment door was steps away, and I found myself nervous to go in. I knew Faye was inside, and that I was safe with her and nothing was going to happen, but still, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

I grabbed out my keys with shaky hands, trying to find the lock and settle my breathing at the same time. I needed to calm down, or I'd never get inside, and being out here in the hall was much worse. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door, stepping inside and expecting to hear the tv going as it usually was when Faye was home alone.

Hate To Miss You (2) | 𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙷𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚎𝚜 ❈Where stories live. Discover now