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Luke wasn't having it.

He'd turned up my apartment ten minutes ago, after Faye had texted him, and I was a little bit mad, because I knew Faye only texted him to talk to him. But I, wanted to be alone, and the presence of Luke telling me I wasn't allowed to lie in bed anymore was ruining that.

"I didn't realise seeing him was going to send you into eternal depression," he commented, noting the various empty ice cream tubs and take away pizza boxes.

"I'm not depressed," I rolled my eyes, pulling my knees to my chest.

Luke looked around the room, his face stoic. "Uh, are you sure? You haven't left your room since last week, you're in the same pyjamas since last Thursday and I can literally see the tear stains."

I frowned, unsure how to respond to being called out. "I'm not depressed."

"Come on, Lyla," Luke sighed, sounding frustrated with me. "You gotta get up, change out of these clothes, get out of this room. I'll take you anywhere you like, we can buy new books?"

I perked up at the mention of new books, but continued to avoid Luke's tired gaze. He groaned loudly, causing me to flinch, before tossing one of hoodies and a pair of jeans at my head.

"Get dressed, we're getting lunch and I'll buy you a book, dammit."

I frowned, he was right, I did need to leave the house at some point, I just didn't want to see Jack for any reason what so ever. If I'd known he lived and played in New Jersey, I probably would have just gone to home to Crestwood to be with Stella.

"Fine," I grunted, pushing at his chest and kicking him out of my room. "But get out, first."

Luke chuckled, finally happy that he'd won and convinced me out of the house. Faye was almost surprised when she saw my high bun and hoodie combo, realising I was planning to go outside.

"Where are you off to?" She asked as I stomped my way to the front door, frown still evident on my features.

"Cafe," Luke told her with a grin. I watched Faye's cheeks burn furiously as Luke spoke to her. "Wanna come?"

"Uh—I—yes?" She squeaked, grabbing her jacket as quickly as she could and blushing up at Luke with wide eyes. I rolled my eyes, wanting them to get over it and date already, although Luke was oblivious to Faye's feelings for him. Dimwit.

And so, we made the walk to the cafe closest to the apartment complex, Luke telling us about how he was going on tour in a week and wanted to go out and celebrate before he left. I felt a pang in my chest at the idea of Luke not being here during classes and began to panic. What was I going to do without him?

We made it to the boutique cafe within ten minutes, all taking off our jackets as we entered the warmth of the cozy space. I was wearing an oversized baby blue t-shirt with my jeans, not really thinking much or caring for my appearance and today.

This was a college cafe, after all. The chance of me seeing anyone outside of the university was near to none.

The cafe was one of my favourite places to go. It was called Morning Glory and was the single most aesthetic place I'd ever seen. It was packed with plants, the walls, the ceiling, even the window sills and it held a cosy cottage vibe. They're made fresh desserts every day and I would actually commit a crime for their banoffee pie.

We walked to the counter, ordering our drinks before taking a seat at one of the tables down the back. I made sure to seat Luke and Faye together, wanting them to talk and realise they loved each other so badly. I wondered if this was how Stella and Izzy had felt during high school when Jack and I were getting closer.

Hate To Miss You (2) | 𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙷𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚎𝚜 ❈Where stories live. Discover now