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I had been staying with Jack for a week and he had kept his promise to keep things cometary platonic. He hadn't tried to kiss me, hadn't even tried to flirt with me, and when Hillary tried to come over, he told her not no bother because he had company. Granted, he hadn't told the girl I was the company, but I was glad I wouldn't have to see her regardless. It was Friday night, the night I was supposed to be going out with Nico, but the boys had a game, and I wasn't sure how Nico would feel picking me up from Jack's apartment.

I had a feeling he wouldn't like it very much, and would find it weird that I was staying at my ex boyfriends place, and I wasn't ready to explain the reason to anyone who wasn't Jack.

I told Jack I'd have to go home first. He was mildly disappointed and one hundred percent worried about me, but I assured him it was only to get changed and grab fresh clothes. He'd even taken the liberty to drive me all the way to my apartment, and walk me up the entire nine flights of stairs before I could get rid of him, and even then, he was reluctant.

"Just let me come in, Lyla," he argued, trying to push his way past my front door. I blocked him off with my arms, giving him a dry glare. He rolled his eyes, sassing me. "Let me look around a little, make sure the coast is clear?"

"Jack," I sighed, trying to show him that he was freaking out over nothing. The code to the door was one that only myself and Faye knew, and it was the most random series of numbers to exist, meaning nothing to either of us, it would take a genius to figure it out. "It's fine, I'm fine, I'm literally grabbing a bag of clothes and meeting you at the think later. Stop stressing."

He squinted, trying to puzzle me out and see if I was being serious, before finally huffing, seeming to accept that I was.

"Lyla," he whispered, looking down at his shoes. "The last time I left you alone while he was after you, he attacked you. I don't want that happening again."

"Jack," I smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek and forcing an involuntarily blush to his cheeks. "Faye will be home in ten minutes, she's coming to the game with me, I will see you there."


"No butts," I told him sternly. "You have a suit to put on mister, and it better be dapper as hell."

"Fine," he huffed, defeated. "But I maybe brought something for you to wear tonight."

I smirked, already knowing what it might be.

"Look in your bag when you go to get dressed," he told me, grinning cheekily and proud as ever.

"Okay," I sang, smiling at him in a teasing manner before pushing at his chest so that he'd back up out of my apartment. "Goodbye, Hughes."

"Cya, Princess."

I slammed the door on him, turning to face my empty apartment with a pit in my stomach. So, I hadn't been entirely honest. I was a little scared to be here alone, but also, Faye would be home soon, and Nico really was coming to pick us up. I'd planned this first and wasn't about to let a real life Disney prince down, and so, I had to send Jack on his way. There was no chance of me being able to explain to either Faye nor Nico why Jack was in my apartment on a Friday afternoon, and so the easiest option was to just meet him at the rink.

I received a text, and looked down at my screen immediately, frightened that it might be Reid.

Rowdy 🩷
You better wear it or I'm kicking u out 🖤

I snickered, fully planning on wearing whatever it was that he'd packed for me regardless.

I snuck through the house, feeling on edge for a number of reasons. Faye needed to hurry up, or I was going to have a real life heart attack. I crept into my bedroom, the door creaking as I opened it cautiously. Poking my head around the entryway, I made sure no one was in there, and upon finding nothing out of the ordinary, I bolted for my bedroom window and slammed the curtains closed.

Hate To Miss You (2) | 𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙷𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚎𝚜 ❈Where stories live. Discover now