Night trimmers

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"Daddy daddy where's mommy? I'm scared I can't move?" I yell out.
Tears streaming down my face. Images flashing back and forth at me waving in and out going black at times.
"Baby baby, I got you daddy has you, I always will," says a man holding a girl gently almost afraid to break her because he felt the need to protect her from live.
I assume the girl is me. But why am I here? Where is my mother? She should be here in this scene shouldn't she?
"Baby, sigh...I have some news to tell you. But it's sad news but we will be okay one day," Bobby says.
"What do you mean?" The young girl looks up with curious but said brown eyes knowing something is very wrong in this picture.
"W-well B-bbaby we where a family of three you remember? With mommy me and well our precious treasure. You! Do you remember?" Bobby ask.
The little girl shaking her head yes but frustrated with were this is going.
"Where is Mommy!?!" She begins to throw a fit.
"Baby momma went up above to watch us from the sky. So she can't come back to us right now." Bobby says.
"So your saying mommy died and is watching us from afar?" Asked the little girl.
Bobby took a step back because he was trying to make this gentle. However babies are so smart for their own age. Adults sometimes forget that.
"Baby yes!" Daddy says.
Tears flowing I'm ready to wake up from this nightmare. I need out of it!
The colors begin to change again unto a different scene.
It feels cold in this memory... I have.
I look around and noticed an ancient dinosaur TV blocking the door way.
"Mommy why is the TV there?" Asked the two little girls.
"Daddy and Mommy are having a break so mommy placed the TV there. Let's get y'all supper and go to bed okay?" Stated the lady.
After we dosed off it felt hot inside the house even though ice was outside.
"Mommy we're is sister?" Someone asked.
"I have to go back inside to get her stay here and don't come inside!" The woman yelled.
"Cough cough"
The sounds of glass shattering as they make their exit. Ambulance arrive and drive them away. I'm stuck with the neighbors for a few days.
Another flash and we are at the hospital. Sissy didn't make it. Momma is sad. And daddy comes inside yelling and saying its all mommies fault. The smell of booze pouring off of him. He lost a child don't get me wrong I don't blame him. But so did momma. No reason to pass the blame.
Depression it's a bitch momma suffered during that time frame I remember and then she was gone. Daddy had to sober up if he wanted to keep me. That was the only rule the system had during then.
"I got you baby your daddy's girl! I've lost two people in my life and I can't afford to lose you! My promise to you is I will do all I can to take away your pain and to barley let my pain show for you. I want you to have a happy life with no more pain nor sorrow. Our loved ones are watching us." Says daddy.
I want out of these stupid nightmares of the past I want to know my future to see my child when he or she is big enough. I didn't even get to tell my father anything yet. I was on my way to tell him. I had been afraid for a month to tell him when I found out. But now I just need to get it off my chest. However right now I am in pain and I don't know if it's from the pregnancy or if I'm dying. God I hope his not mad at me over it. I hope we can talk this out and figure out what to do. He didn't even know I was seeing someone. Will he disown me? Will he never speak to me again? Will I not get to see him soon??. My thoughts are rushing until they can't rush any more.
"Doc when will she wake?" Bobby ask.
"Sir I'm not allowed to answer your questions right now," states the doctor.
"Well why the fuck not?" Asked Bobby.
"The investigation that is on going due to your child being pregnant then this accident we also have to run a DNA test on the fetus to make sure there isn't any activities that had been going on with your daughter and you sir," the doctor stated.
Bobby's face became bright red he was tired of being treated like a criminal when it came to his own child. Him and his children had all been through enough. One was dead along with the mother of his children. But to set their and accuse him of abusing his child then another accusations of inappropriate relationship between him and his daughter had him seeing blood red.
"Look here I would never do such a that Satan himself probably wouldn't even do. My child is a child and I'm so sick and tired of you and who the hell ever coming up with reasons and excuse of what good parenting and bad parenting is. Wher you there when we lost her mother my wife and her sister my other child? No the fuck you were not sir. Did you help her when she had all the tiny cuts and scraps? I think not. So what is wrong with you? All of you to try and say I haven't tooken care of my child all these damn years! Then my child is fighting for her damn life and everyone wants to treat me like a criminal!" Bobby yells. While grabbing the doctor by his white coat and yanking him off the floor.
"Never tell a parent they don't care for their babies just because our life isn't perfect doesn't mean we don't fucking care about our children!" Bobby says while punching the doctor.
"Guards! Police! We need to detain Bobby sir!" Yells the doctor.

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