Chapter 12

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It's been a week now since Mingyu's mom have to shut down their cafe. Mingyu's been feeling very down because of it.

Not because of the cafe, but because his mom adored and cherished the cafe very much, it was a cafe that his dad opened for his mom. His mom used to work as a barista and she really enjoyed it but when she's pregnant with Mingyu, she had to resign. That's the reason why his dad opened the cafe.

Shutting down their cafe, it also means that his mom wouldn't be getting any income.

"What's that?" Asked Haeyeon.

"Lunch box, for Mingyu." She smiled.

"You cooked them?"


Haeyeon giggled as she shook her head. She knew her best friend Yeoreum isn't really a great cook, but Yeoreum's mom is. She knew Yeoreum often help her mom with cooking, only to end up getting scolded because of not doing things properly.

"Your mom is very lucky to have you."

"How so?"

"I never helped my mom in the kitchen." Haeyeon shrugged.

"At least your mom don't have to stress over her daughter being clumsy in the kitchen." And the two ended up laughing.

"Alright, you can go to his class, I'll go straight to our class-" Yeoreum cut her off by grabbing her wrist.

"Nope, you're coming with me." She sternly said.

"Ugh, fine."

The two went to Mingyu's class. It could be seen that Myeongho and Seokmin are both in Mingyu's class, chitchatting with each other.

"Myeongho, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at class?" Asked Haeyeon with an eyebrow raised.

"It's not even the first period yet." Myeongho rolled his eyes.

Yeoreum's liking it, seeing both Myeongho and Haeyeon bickering.

"What brings you here, Yeoreum?" Mingyu questioned, giving Yeoreum a blank look.

"I made this for you."

"Partially made it for you." Haeyeon corrected.

Yeoreum sighed as she gave Haeyeon a warning smile, a smile that means Haeyeon will have to look out for herself before Yeoreum could do something malicious to Haeyeon for embarrassing her, after this.

"Thank you so much. You really don't have to though." Mingyu said as he took the lunch box.

"It's okay, you'll like it."

"Of course I will." That made Yeoreum blushed.


"Myeongho's always getting on your nerves." Cooed Yeoreum.

Haeyeon jabbed her pen on her book as she hissed.

"Exactly! He's so annoying! At first, I thought he's a really cool guy!" Hearing Haeyeon's complaints, Yeoreum laughed. Only her and Mingyu knows why Myeongho's always annoying her, because he definitely likes her.

"What a perfect match." She whispered.

"Hey, someone's here for you~" Haeyeon teased with a sly smirk. Yeoreum frowned before she looked outside of her classroom, there's Mingyu standing waiting for her.

"Hi, Mingyu. What's up?"

"I have somewhere to go. Why don't you come along with me?" Mingyu asked with an eyebrow raised. Yeoreum looked down and indeed, Mingyu is offering her his hand.

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