Chapter 06

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"Haaaa~ Why are all my outfits so tomboyish?" Drawled Yeoreum as she looked through her closet.

"What should I wear, Wonwoo?" She asked Wonwoo before pouting. Wonwoo who's sitting on her bed with his arms crossed together, gave her a bored look.

"That is the fourth time you asked me." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh, come on. Please help me. I can't wear something like this when it's our first date!" She cried again.

"He didn't even say that it's gonna be a date."

"Well, he didn't. He just asked me to help him buy a present for his mom. But it's like a date, okay? There will be only two of us." She rolled her eyes and shook her head after that, letting out a groan.


"Please Wonwoo, I wish to have something nice to wear." She pleaded, intertwining all of her fingers together.

"Be specific. If you're not specific, who knows it's gonna be a dress or a hanbok or a mascot. Well, you said something nice to wear. All of them are nice for different types of occasions." He shrugged in a very innocent way and there Yeoreum be staring at him incredulously.

"Uhh.. What about a cardigan and miniskirt?"


Wonwoo snapped his finger and in an instant Yeoreum's suddenly wearing a cardigan and a miniskirt, she looks very nice as she wished. Not only that, her hair is done beautifully as well.

"Aww, thank you so much!" She bowed.

"Bare in mind, you've used three wishes. Now you have four wishes left." Wonwoo reminded her who's now busy admiring herself on the mirror.

"Yes, yes. I know. That's more than enough." Wonwoo raised an eyebrow when he heard Yeoreum said that.

"More than enough? You know you're the first human to say that? All of my previous humans always ask for more wishes, seven is too little they said." He shrugged at the end of his sentence.

"Well, they're greedy then." She shrugged as well.

"They're not. It's just that seven is too little." He confirmed.

"Not for me, I guess."

Wonwoo sighed.

"Are you not gonna wish for money?"

"I'll think about it." She answered while fixing her hair.

"How do I look?" She asked before she spinned around. Wonwoo hummed as he crossed both his arms together, examining her from head to toe.

"You do look beautiful and nice." He replied, smiling.

Yeoreum blushed.

'That is the first time a guy ever complimented me.' She thought as the two are still staring at each other.

She faked her cough.

"Aww, that is so sweet of you. I wonder why you broke up with your girlfriend. You're very gentle and good looking. Wait a minute.. Don't tell me you got jealous too easily or that you're too protective or.. Psycho?" She wondered, poking her chin.

Wonwoo let out a bitter chuckle.

"Curious much?" He uncrossed his arms and put his hands inside his pockets.

"You know, Wonwoo. You're right, if you're not meant for each other, no matter how hard you tried to fight for love, then there's nothing you can do about it. You just have to watch the love of your life go away from you." Speaking that as if she's a love expert, she even made some hand movements while speaking.

Seven Wishes | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now