Fortune Favours the Wicked

Start from the beginning

Obviously, being forcibly taken from my home is something I cry about every night. I miss the performances darling Yunjin would put on while I tended to the other half of the crowd who needed their fortune read. Yunjin and I were a team, a duo - before I was taken captive by this Harbinger.

I should have known the moment he approached my booth. The moment he gave me his hands. The moment I read his fortune. The moment he smiled at my horrified expression - I should have known.

But it dawned on me too late, when the Fatui already broke down my door and swept me away. Scaramouche's satisfaction was so obvious in the cold blues of his eyes. I only stopped fighting back when I was stowed away on a ship heading to Archon knows where.

I lost count of how many days I've been away from home. Those first few days were the roughest, not only was I on a hunger strike but also because I was actively refusing to even acknowledge the Harbinger's existence.

Every time he came down to the cellar part of the ship, my prison, he would always try to coax me out of hiding. Luring me with his fake promises. Inching close enough so he could wrap a finger around my hair to feel every strand. Even after all that, I remained frozen and still.

But Scaramouche always loved a challenge. He found my silent protest to be quite entertaining; finding humour in trying to feed me something only to turn the spoon back into his mouth the moment the food touched my lips. Or that one time when he laid an array of beautiful dresses in front of me when my clothes were getting filthy, half-serious half-joking about taking a bath together.

Those early days of my captivity were on a ship. All that I've said was just a brief snippet of the teasing Scaramouche is capable of. I would be lying if I said I didn't get flustered by them. I'm not used to getting all this attention - more specifically, all this attention from one man. Let alone a Fatui Harbinger with questionable connections and an even questionable mission.

"Are we missing something here?"

I was brought back to the present moment when Scaramouche placed a hand on the side of my waist to guide me with him, bringing my attention to the items laid out on the table. His touch was cold yet gentle. I tried to ignore the increased beating of my heart.

"Are we missing something?" Scaramouche repeated, clearly getting irritated. "I would expect that you have all your supplies because of all the things I get for you."

"No, we're not missing anything..." I managed to mutter, his face closing in on mine. "Please, sit with me, Lord Scaramouche. I would be honoured to read your fortune..."

He didn't have to be told twice and I'm sure that he already knows my routine by now. Lighting the incense, adjusting the crystals, and organizing the little trinkets for the reading - he's behaving like a schoolboy getting ready to learn for class. Scaramouche even held his palms out, his hands moving impatiently for me to come to him.

I made my way across from him and took his hands, as I've done for countless nights now. His grip around me is firm yet the slightest bit of restraint can be felt. It's because, at this time, he is hanging on every single word I speak. The slight twitch of his eyebrow confirms it.

"What ails you, Harbinger?" I asked and he stiffened from the question. Without reading his mind, it is obvious that he is bothered by something. "There's this sense of urgency in the air. Has your operation run aground?"

His lips formed into the first syllable of my name, he's breathless already, impatient, "You know what's wrong, just give me the solution. The more accurate you are, the more you should expect something nice from me."

There's no point in trying to play coy with him, Scaramouche is quite the expert in sensing deception so much so that he might be the embodiment of it. Again, I focused deeply on his weary expression, the slight pout of his lips. The curl of his lashes. The vastness of his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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