✰ 3. see me. feel me. know me.

Start from the beginning

"Nothing," she told him.

"Then we'll continue," he said. "Now, Akya, through my hands, I want you to feel me. Feel my touch. The way the Force surrounds you and I, and the way our auras mix when we feel each other's hands. I want you to know me. Repeat after me, okay?"


"You are Anakin Skywalker."

"You are Anakin Skywalker."

"I feel your touch, and the way the Force surrounds us."

"I feel your touch, and the way the Force surrounds us."

"I see you. I feel you.  I know you."

"I see you.  I feel you.  I know you."


"I see you.  I feel you.  I know you."  His hands squeezed hers a little.  Akya continued to take deep breaths in between every statement.  She could picture his face, his blonde hair, his blue eyes.  She felt the soft skin on his hands, pictured his smile.  Anakin felt like lying in a field of tall grass, staring up at the sun.  He brought a warmth with him, somehow, that everyone wanted to follow.  Akya had only met him this morning, and yet, she knew him.  So well. 

"I see you.  I feel you.  I know you."

"I'm going to walk away.  Once you're ready, you tell me where I am standing."  He let go of her hands, yet somehow, she could feel him lingering.  Was this it?  Was this what it felt like?  Akya followed his presence far off the carpet they sat on, all the way to the wardrobe door just behind her.  She could see him in her mind's eye, standing, waiting.  He was the abnormality in the oh-so-familiar room, and yet, she didn't mind him being there. 

"The wardrobe," she said. "You're standing by the wardrobe."

"Open your eyes."  Akya could hear the smile in his voice.  She did as he said then turned around to find him standing exactly where she thought he would be.  She broke out into a grin and stood up.  "I told you you could do it," he said to her, walking back over to where she was.  "Did you feel it?"

"I felt you," she said. "That was like nothing I've ever experienced in my life, Anakin.  I felt you.  My eyes were closed, and yet I saw you."

"Let's do it again."  Anakin joined her on the carpet once again, though this time, they stood.  They took each other's hands and closed their eyes. 

"I see you.  I feel you. I know you," Akya recited.  Anakin let go of her hands, and she pictured her room, following his sunshine aura to the corner of the room, where there was a long windowsill.  He sat on it. "You're sitting on the windowsill."  She then opened her eyes to find Anakin, indeed, sitting on the windowsill, still grinning from before.

They continued for hours.  It was like a children's game they didn't want to stop.  Akya didn't need to repeat the mantra anymore.  Soon, she knew what he felt like more than herself.

"The dresser."

"The door."

"The bed."

"Don't touch my pillows, Anakin."

"The window."

"You're right in front of me."

Every single time, she had it right.  They started taking turns.  Anakin found Akya on the first try and every try after that.  Akya wanted to do this forever.  It was like a thrill, to reach out through the Force, to feel his self as it fed her happiness. She loved the way he felt.  She'd never experienced feelings like these before with any other person. 

"Anakin?" she said, as they laid on the bed and stared up at the ceiling.  It was late.


"What do I feel like?"

"What do you mean?" His head turned to face her, and she did the same.

"When I feel you through the Force, you have a specific feeling.  I can only describe it as warmth. You feel like the sun beaming down on a grassy field, like the rays in the sky looking down upon us.  But what do I feel like?"

"I never thought of it that way," he said, staring back up at the ceiling.  "I suppose I'm so used to the feeling the Force brings that the only way I can describe it is that it feels like you."

"Does everyone have a feeling like that?"

Anakin was quiet for a moment.  "Yes," he said. "They do."

"What do I feel like, Anakin?" she pleaded. "I want you to describe it."

"You feel like..." He paused. Anakin was unsure how to describe it. But Akya's feeling was like none he'd ever felt before.  Like pure, liquid bliss. "You feel like happiness.  You feel like the balance that is water in a clear glass, and moons high in the sky at daytime.  Like moonbeams coming down amongst the stars. You feel simple and so complex at the same time."

Akya smiled at the ceiling.  Anakin loved the way she looked when she smiled.

"Thank you, Anakin," she said.  She sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. 

"For telling you what you feel like?"  He mirrored her actions.

"No," she said.  "For helping me feel the Force for the first time.  Wait 'til I tell the Masters, Anakin.  Wait until they know. You had the power to do what no other Jedi did.  To make me feel what no one else could."

"I was happy to do it.  But... maybe let's not tell the Masters.  About this.  By all means, tell them about your abilities, but not what we did."


Anakin glanced at the clock on the night table behind him. "Because it's past curfew.  And because technically, we're not supposed to be here right now."

"I'm sure they'll forgive us—"

"Just... don't."

"Okay," she said, though still confused.  She was not sure at all what Anakin was feeling, but she trusted him enough to follow his words without reason.  "Can we do it again? Tomorrow?"

Anakin nodded.  "Every day," he said, taking hold of her hands.  "Meet me here at dusk."

"Thank you, Anakin."



decided to do another little chapter, the first one where they really actually interact. i always thought of the way that people could be sensed through the force as people being able to connect. the way that everyone is an individual in the way that they look and are personality-wise, i think they all have a different feel through the force. at least that's how i imagined it.

i know you're going to love this book so much. I'm so excited to keep updating.

don't forget to vote!!


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